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Nat was laying on her bed wide awake, just staring blankly at the wall. It had been 2 days since the ritual and she was still trying to come to terms with everything that happened. She still couldn't fathom that Jenna was gone. She had been a constant presence in her life for a whole year, always there for her, for all of them really. It didn't seem real, it just seemed like one of Nat's bad dreams. But it was real, and as much as she hated it, she needed to accept that she wouldn't see Jenna anymore everyday. Out of nowhere, she felt a presence in her room.

"What are you doing here?" She said before she sat up and looked at Damon. He was sitting on her window, already staring at her.

"I came to see how you were doing." He said.

"I don't know." She shrugged, but her face said it all. He stood up and sat next to her on the bed.

"You are so strong, Nat. You'll be okay." He reassured her. She nodded and looked down.

"I just didn't think I would lose everyone so suddenly." Nat whispered. "I thought Jenna would always be here. And John... he wasn't the best, but he loved us, and that was enough. But we didn't appreciate it enough."

"You and Elena will get through this."

"And Jeremy." She reminded him. He nodded at her and smiled before looking away. After a brief moment in silence, she felt his gaze on her. "You want to ask me something." She turned to him and stared expectantly.

"When they were about to kill Klaus, you... tried to stop them. Why?" He was genuinely confused. And frankly, so was she.

"I don't know what to tell you, Damon. When Bonnie was hurting him, something inside of me snapped. It's like I wasn't me, I think.... I think I was Iliana that moment. I don't know how to explain it, I just-I knew I couldn't let him die." She told him quietly. He didn't say anything, just stared at her door like he wanted to do something. "Go." He turned to her confused. "You want to apologize to Elena. Go."

"Do you think she'll forgive me?"

"I think... I think that you should apologize and hope for the best." She shrugged. He narrowed her eyes at her and stood up, shaking his head.

He put his hand on the doorknob and looked back at her. "You're starting to sound like your sister."

"Elena?" She asked confused. Elena was always honest, he knew that.

"Katherine." With that he left the room.

Nat stared at the door surprised for a second before her lips curved into a smile. He was right, Katherine was her sister, not some friend, it was about time she accepted it. Damon coming to terms with it seemed weird, but she was just glad someone was doing it. Now she needed Elena to understand it. She knew her disdain for Katherine was too strong, but Nat hoped she would at least try.

After a while she stood up and went to her wardrobe to pick something for the day ahead. Jeremy, Elena and Nat were going to the Town Square for movie night. They would meet Caroline and Bonnie there, hoping it would take their minds off of everything. She picked a black tank top and on top a see through grey button up. She paired with black ripped jeans and black and white vans. After getting dressed, she grabbed her phone and keys and walked out of her room. Nat walked down the stairs and went to the living room, finding Elena there already. She turned to Nat and smiled at her.

"Jeremy?" Nat asked.

"He'll be down soon." Nat nodded and sat down next to her. "So, uh, have you heard anything from Elijah?" She asked and Nat could feel the awkwardness.

"No... He just left with Klaus. I don't really know what that means for-" She cut herself off, not wanting to talk about this with her. It felt wrong somehow, she felt a little judged.

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