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She was dozing off when she heard a noise coming from inside the room. Her eyes open immediately and she sees Elena still asleep. They had stayed up talking to Jeremy and telling him about the information they had learned days before. After he left Elena's room, Nat and her stayed up discussing what they would do with Elena's curse and Nat's memory lapses. After a while they fell asleep in her room. Suddenly she heard a door slamming loudly outside, so she decided to wake Elena up.

"Lena." Nat shook her shoulder and whispered softly, trying to wake her up. Elena opened her eyes and looked at Nat confused.

"Huh? What happened?"

"I heard a noise." Elena looked at the door and gestured for her to stand up and follow her. They got out of the room, failing to notice a man standing on the bathroom's doorway. They look around the landing for anything suspicious and quietly approach Jeremy's room. They peek around but only see him asleep. Suddenly they hear a noise from behind them, spinning around and gasping at the sight of Alaric. He was shirtless and in his boxers, startled by their appearance in the landing. They look at each other before looking around the room awkwardly.

"Elena, Nat." He clears his throat and lowers the ice cream bowl he was carrying towards his nether region.

"We heard something." Nat says uncomfortably. Alaric chuckles nervously and they avoid his gaze, embarrassed by the whole exchange. They hear someone coming up the stairs and see Jenna wearing Alaric's shirt and her hair messy. She looks at the girls embarrassed and runs a hand through her hair.

"That was us. I'm sorry." She apologizes.

"We didn't think anyone else was up." Alaric says apologetically.

"But here you are." Jenna looks at the twins, who look thoroughly embarrassed and uncomfortable.

"We were just-" Alaric stammers before sighing and holding out the bowl to the girls. "Chunky Monkey?"

"We're not... hungry." Elena says. Alaric chuckles and turns around.

"Well... I'm naked, so I'm gonna go." He walks past Nat and Elena and into Jenna's bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Elena starts walking back towards her room, Nat going now towards hers. Jenna walks up the remainder of the stairs, visibly embarrassed that they caught them in a compromising situation.

"I'm really, really sorry." Jenna says with a nervous smile on her face. Nat and Elena turn to her and smile at her.

"It's okay, Jenna, don't worry about it." Elena says.

"I know he's been staying over a lot. Are you- are you sure it's okay?" She says, looking between the twins.

"Seems like things are good." Nat says smirking slightly.

"They're extremely good." Jenna grinned at her, obviously happy.

"Then we're extremely okay with it." Nat says. They smile at their aunt and each go back to their respective rooms. Nat closes the door to her room and immediately gets under the covers. She hoped the dreams, which she now knew were memories, would not come tonight. But she wasn't that lucky, because as soon as she closed her eyes, the dreams came again.

This time she was wearing a white chemise that went towards her ankles with a red overdress on top with a lace up front. She had her hair down and was tending to a horse. She wished she could leave everything behind, escape. But she couldn't leave Katerina, she loved her too much.

"Emiliya." She turned at the quiet voice and saw Katerina leaning against one of the walls of the stable. She looked at her questioningly and her sister gestured for her to walk towards her. Emiliya looked around, and when she didn't see anyone, walked towards her twin quickly.

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