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"How are you feeling?" Klaus asked her as they ate in the kitchen. She had moved most of her things last night, only a few things left in the house. Klaus had been waiting for her in his mansion and helped her set everything up, giving them time to talk all night. After arranging everything and making her room feel a little more homey, she fell asleep exhausted, only waking up in the morning when he called her to have breakfast.

"Tired, mostly." She took a sip of her coffee and then set it back down on the counter. "I don't know what I'll do when they come back." She muttered and looked down, moving the food around the plate. "I just- I'm still angry, you know, but I... there's still a part of me that doesn't want anything to happen to Elena or Jeremy. We've been together for so long, and we're all we have."

"It's understandable." Klaus told her softly and she looked up at him. "You still love them, you can't just suddenly stop."

"I guess I need some time and space. Maybe I'll forgive them, someday. But I can't think about it right now." She told him and he nodded. Suddenly, her phone started ringing and when she saw the caller she frowned, declining the call. Not even a minute passed and her phone started ringing again. "Caroline, I don't want to talk to anyone right now." She snapped as soon as she picked up.

"I know. I wouldn't call if it..." She trailed off and Nat furrowed her brows. "It's Jeremy, Nat."

"I don't want to hear anything he has to say, okay? You can tell him to leave me alone. For a while at least." She muttered the last part and heard Caroline sigh.

"It's not that. You need to come home. Like right now."


"Just- just get here, okay?" Caroline told her and hung up. Nat felt worry seeping through her bones at her cryptic words. Was he hurt?

"I, uh... I need to go." She told Klaus and stood up, putting her phone on the back pocket. He got up too and stared at her.

"You want me to drop you off?"

"No, that's okay. I'll just walk." He looked at her hesitant and she smiled at him reassuringly. "I'll be fine. I need to clear my head anyways." He finally nodded and she turned around, walking out of the kitchen and to the front door.

Once she was outside the mansion, she started walking to her old house. Caroline's words rang through her head, making her heart beat faster as she walked through the streets. Images of Jeremy hurt ran through her head all the way, making her speed up her walk. After some time, she finally saw her house, Stefan and Caroline on the porch. They looked up at her and she noticed their sullen expressions.

"I'll, uh... I'll call you." Caroline told Stefan and looked at Nat softly before walking to her car. Nat frowned at her and then looked at Stefan, who was already looking at her sadly.

"What's going on?" She asked him, her voice trembling, already afraid of his answer. "Where's Jeremy? Where's Elena?"


"Stefan, tell me what the hell is going on. Right now." She told him calmly and he sighed heavily before gesturing for her to sit on the swing. She looked at the vampire hesitant and he nodded. They both sat and she looked at him.

"When we got to the island, there was someone there. There was a hunter and he was there to get the cure and feed it to Silas." He started the explanation and Nat heard intently. "Somehow, Bonnie and Jeremy got separated from us and Damon was taken by the hunter. Rebekah snapped my neck and tried to get to the cure faster, but the hunter put her and Damon down, getting inside some tunnels to find Silas, which is where Bonnie and Jeremy were already." Nat felt her heart speed up at his explanation, not liking where it was going.

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