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Nat, Elena and Jeremy were in Ric's old room putting everything away. Elena had woken both Jeremy and Nat in the middle of the night to paint the room and take Ric's stuff out. They had been hesitant, but decided to go along with it, knowing it would be better if they did it as soon as possible.

Nat and Elena had already covered and moved the furniture while Jeremy put the bed away. They were now mixing paint and pouring into a paint through to cover the room in the new color.

"Going darker, huh?" They turned to the door and found Stefan on the doorway looking at them.

"It's the only color we had." Elena told him with a small smile.

"That's what happens when you decide to paint your dead guardian's room in the middle of the night." Jeremy shrugged and Nat nodded.

"I don't suppose anyone tried to talk you guys out of doing this so soon." The vampire said out loud and Nat sighed.

"We have to keep moving. Otherwise we'll start thinking and we don't want to think." Nat said numbly and Stefan nodded slowly before turning to Elena.

"Want a hand?" He offered and Elena smiled at him.

"So, are you two like back together or something?" Her brother asked as he looked between the vampire and their sister.

"What? No, Jer, we're just-" Elena said nervously.

"I-I was just checking up on you guys. Seeing how you were doing after everything."

"We're fine. But, if you are trying to be the good guy again, why don't you do the right thing and give us one day. Just one day without any vampires in it." Jeremy told him seriously. Nat and Elena stared at him sadly and he left the room.

"I'm gonna get some water." Nat told them and left the room too. She went downstairs and headed to the kitchen, filling a glass with water and chugging it all down quickly. Suddenly, the doorbell rang and she frowned. She left the now empty glass on the counter and walked to the door, Stefan coming down at the same time. She opened the door and found Damon holding Bonnie by the arm. The witch had a bite mark on her neck and blood was dripping down her neck.

"We have a problem." Damon said and Nat's lips parted. She gestured for both of them to enter and closed the door. Stefan led them to the kitchen and Nat went to fetch a towel for Bonnie's wound. "Ric completed the transition." Damon said out loud, Nat and Stefan looking at him in shock.

"What do you mean he turned?" Stefan asked his brother as Nat handed the towel to Bonnie. "I thought you were standing guard!"

"Don't blame me. Blame Bonnie the blood bank, she fed him." Damon retorted and Bonnie rolled her eyes before turning to Nat, who was standing next to Stefan with her arms crossed.

"I had no idea what was happening, okay? The witches led me there. They wanted him to feed so he'd turn." Bonnie explained to her and Nat pursed her lips, not knowing how to feel about it.

"So, where's the stake now?" Stefan asked them.

"Oh, you mean the white oak one? The one that can kill an Original and wipe out an entire line of vampires?" Damon asked sarcastically. "We don't know." He glared at Bonnie as he spoke those last words.

"If you are so upset with me, why did you feed me your blood to save my life?" She asked him angrily.

"Because I do stupid things, Bonnie. I do things like let my friend die with dignity when I should have just killed him." Damon replied frustrated as he turned around.

"Alright, so how do we kill him now?" Stefan asked.

"A witch can't truly make an immortal creature, there's always a way to undo a spell." Nat noted and Bonnie nodded at her.

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