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It was dark outside, only the moon lighting the village. She was running as fast as she could, hoping she would arrive at the woods in time. She saw the older witch preparing everything in front of a fire, the blonde man nowhere in sight.

"Stop this right now!" She yelled at her. The woman looked up and glared at her.

"Go home, Iliana. You have done enough." She kept mixing different herbs in a wooden bowl.

"No! This is all your fault and he will be the one to pay the price. You know he does NOT deserve this!"

"He is an abomination!" The woman yelled at her, leaving her post and walking closer to the younger girl. "You are a servant of nature, you should be helping me right now. You know his existence is wrong."

"I love him." Iliana told the woman. "I will stand by him and Elijah. Always and forever. And nothing you, or Ayana say will make me change my mind." She sneered. The woman's face completely changed, rage taking over her features.

"I knew we should never have taken you as our apprentice, you are an embarrassment to your kind!" She told her angrily before raising her hands, prepared to cast a spell. Iliana quickly tried to grab her hand to siphon some of her magic, but the woman stopped her. "Not tonight, Iliana. Not ever. You will NEVER be a witch again." She closed her eyes and started muttering under her breath. Iliana widened her eyes, knowing she was about to cast a spell against her.

"Stop! Stop!" She tried to reach out again, but there was something stopping her. She couldn't move. Tears of despair started falling from her eyes. "STOP!"

"You want to stand by Niklaus and Elijah forever? So granted, Iliana. I have had ENOUGH of your insolence. You have betrayed us and I will not allow it!" She closed her eyes once again and spoke some words. At first they were quiet, but slowly her voice got higher. Iliana suddenly felt like her whole body was on fire, prompting a blood curdling scream to erupt from her mouth.

"STOP, PLEASE! STOP! NO!" She couldn't handle it. Every part of her body hurt, she felt like a thousand knives were penetrating her body at once.

"Do not worry, you will see your precious boys again, but not for a long time. You will not remember them at first. But when you do, it will be too much. You will once again die." The witch told her, a cruel smile on her face. Die?!

"Please stop, it hurts! I don't want to die!" She cried out. "I DON'T WANT TO DIE, PLEASE!" When she noticed the woman went back to her post to pick something, she screamed towards the village. "HELP! ELIJAH! NIKLAUS!"

"SILENCE!" The woman was back again in front of her. But this time, she held a knife on her hand. She cut her palm and poured some blood over the fire. "Goodbye, Iliana." Her chest was heaving up and down, terrified by what would happen to her next. Suddenly, the woman raised the knife, and Iliana closed her eyes, screaming as loud as she could, hoping one of the boys would come before the woman killed her. She opened her eyes once more, and the last thing she saw was a cruel smile on the witch's face before she plunged the knife straight into her heart.

She woke up screaming and sweating, instantly sitting up from wherever she was lying. She heard footsteps and jumped out of the surface, landing on the floor. Suddenly, the room was lit up and she saw two men and a woman behind them. She immediately jumped back, trying to get away from them.

"Nat!" The dark haired man tried to get closer to her, but she stood up quickly and took a step backwards, afraid of him.

"You're working for her! She sent you to kill me!" She cried out in fear, trying to put as much distance as she could between them and her. But they just kept walking slowly towards her. "Stop! Stop! STOP!" She yelled.

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