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"She's gonna be fine." Meredith told Nat and Jeremy, referring to their sister. They had brought Elena to the hospital after she collapsed and started bleeding through her nose. "She got a little banged up today, hit her head, but it was just a slight concussion, nothing to worry about." She assured them and Nat pursed her lips.

"But she collapsed, there was a lot of blood." She said frowning.

"Honestly, guys, she's okay. She's just.... she's been through a lot." Well, that was true. "Is there anyone you guys want to call?" Jeremy and Nat exchanged glances and nodded. "Okay, I'll leave you to it." They walked a few feet away and Jeremy called Damon, putting it on speakerphone so Nat could hear too. After a few rings, he picked up.

"What's up?"

"Elena collapsed." Nat said. "We're in the hospital right now."

"You did what?" Damon asked loudly and Nat looked around to make sure no one was listening.

"We took her to the hospital. When you find your sister unconscious, you call 911." Jeremy told the vampire.

"Not when you have a parade of vampires at your disposal!"

"Every remaining Original is gonna want Elena dead to stop Alaric. She's a sitting duck in there." Stefan told them and Nat shook her head.

"Well, Meredith wants to keep her here for observation." She told them.

"Jeremy, Nat, you two get Elena home. We're on our way." Damon told them and hung up the phone.

"I'm gonna call Caroline, you call Matt." Nat told Jeremy and he nodded, calling their friend immediately. Nat called the blonde and told her to get to the hospital quickly so they could move Elena back home.

"Hey." Nat said softly as she entered the room. Elena looked up at her groggily and Nat sat on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm good. What happened?" She asked confused.

"You passed out and you had a concussion, but Meredith says you'll be okay. You just need some rest." She assured her and her sister nodded. "You need to get dressed, we're getting you out of here." Elena nodded and Nat got her clothes from the chair. Elena stood up and took the clothes, going to the bathroom to change. Not even a minute later, Caroline entered the room and Nat turned to her. "She's getting changed." The blonde nodded and they waited for her to come out. After a moment, Elena stepped outside with her clothes on and Nat held her hand out.

"They guys are ready outside, let's get you out of here." Caroline told them and opened the door, looking sideways to check that they were indeed alone. Elena held Nat's arm and the three of them walked to the entrance. Once they were outside, Matt, Caroline and Tyler entered the human's car, while Nat, Jeremy and Elena got in theirs.

"Drop me off at the Grill, I'll get something to eat." Jeremy told Nat and she nodded. They drove in silence until they got to the Grill, and Jeremy stepped outside. Once he was out, Nat drove quickly to their house, and once they got there, she checked that no one was following them.

"C'mon." Caroline told them as she opened Elena's door and wrapped her arm around her. Nat got out of the car and Tyler and Matt walked with her to the house. She opened the front door and they walked in first. "Couch." Caroline instructed as soon as they were in.

"I'm fine. I just.... I want something to eat first." Elena told her and Nat.

"We're on it, as soon as we make sure no one is lurking in the closets." Tyler said as he looked around. He and Matt walked upstairs and the girls headed to the living room.

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