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She was running through the field when she spotted the big old tree. She smiled to herself and ran towards it, thinking her sister wouldn't catch her. But she was wrong. As soon as she ran to it, her sister came out of the tree, making her scream. Both of them burst out laughing and tumbled down to the floor.

"Mother will soon call for us."

"Yes, all the more reason why we should have fun before she comes."

"Did you see the two brothers last night? The blonde one seemed enamoured by you."

"Oh, Tatia, I do not want to think about boys right now. I just want us to have fun." She scoffed playfully. She wanted to hold on to her innocence for a bit longer, just play with her sister like always, pick flowers, walk around the village, everything that being an innocent child entailed. She knew that father and mother would want her to marry soon, and she had the mild suspicion it wouldn't be to him, but rather a boring boy from the village.

"Well then, let's hide from mother." The sisters stared at each other and giggled. They stood up quickly and were about to run but heard their mother's voice, so they hid behind the tree.

"Stop laughing, Tatia!" She whispered, a smile on her face. Her sister just put her head on Iliana's shoulder, trying to quiet down. With no sign of their daughters out back, their mother went inside. Tatia looked beyond Iliana's shoulder before pushing her.

"Catch me if you can!" And with that she ran away, leaving her sister behind. But just as Iliana started running behind her, she tripped on a branch. But before she could hit the floor...

She gasped and opened her eyes. Nat looked around her room and saw that it was already morning. She looked towards her desk and saw the Petrova Family book laying on top of it. She sighed, remembering about yesterday's discover. Katherine had a sister that died from sickness at age 17, or at least that's what the book said. But that wasn't the part that freaked her out. It was her name: Emiliya . The same name Katherine called her in the dream from a few nights ago.

She put the book inside a drawer, not wanting to think about that for now. She went to her bathroom and washed her face. As she was coming out, she heard Jeremy and Elena talking down the hall, so she went to them. She went inside Jeremy's room and stood next to him, watching Elena fix herself in the mirror.

"I can't believe Tyler Lockwood is a werewolf."

"We're not sure about that yet. The only thing we know for sure is that Mason Lockwood is." Nat told him with a pointed look.

"It should be easy enough for us to figure it out." Elena looked at Nat through the mirror before addressing their brother.

"There is no us. We said that we wouldn't keep things from you anymore. That doesn't mean that we want you involved in it." Nat nodded. Although she felt it was time for Jeremy to know the truth, she didn't want him involved in the whole supernatural thing.

"By definition of being in this family, I'm involved." He told them.

"This is dangerous, Jer. You have to stay out of it, okay?" Nat told him. Even though she knew he wouldn't stay out of it, it didn't hurt to try.

"Alright, just saying." He said before walking out. They looked at him go before Nat turned to Elena.

"You're going to the Historical Society Volunteer Day right?"

"Yeah, are you?" Elena said, looking at Nat still in her pj's.

"Yeah, I just woke up late. But you go ahead, I'll catch up with you later." Elena nodded and Nat left her room. As she got closer to her bedroom she heard the front door close, indicating Elena had already left. She closed her bedroom door and started looking for something to wear today, finally deciding to go for something comfortable. She took a grey striped sweater, a pair of grey jeans and black lace-up booties. She went to the bathroom and got ready. After brushing her hair and getting dressed she went out to her bedroom, but jumped back when she saw a figure on her bed.

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