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"So, is it good?" Klaus asked Nat, who sat on a table in the parlor as he painted on a canvas. She tilted her head to the side and looked at the different colors with a small smile.

"Yeah, looks pretty good so far." She shrugged and he looked at her pointedly. "What do you want me to say? I'm not much for paintings, but I like your work." He shook his head and turned back to his painting.

"So, you'll be my date for this charity thing, right?" He asked her and she looked at her nails.

"Yeah, why not? I have nothing better to do anyways." He chuckled at her words and grabbed another brush from the table she was sitting on.

"So, what have you been up to these last few days?"

"Well, I actually went on an impromptu road trip to New Orleans." He whipped his head back and looked at her with raised eyebrows. "What?"

"Anything interesting there?" She opened her mouth, thinking about Marcel and Jane-Anne, the witch.

"Very lively city with good booze." She told him with a toothy grin. A smile curved on his lips and he turned back to his painting.

"Did you know we practically built New Orleans?" Nat leaned forward on her seat and looked at him curiously. "We arrived in the early 18th century, it was actually one of the only places we ever called home." He said the last part softly and Nat frowned.

"Then why did you leave?"

"Mikael." Nat's lips parted and she looked at him sadly. "He found us, so Elijah stayed back to trail him off of Rebekah and me." He explained. Huh, so that's when they got separated, Nat thought.

"What about Kol? Was he already daggered?" She asked him curiously and he nodded.

"In 1914." He said before switching brushes. "The sneaky little bastard was plotting against me, so I daggered him."

"Wonder why that could be." Nat said sarcastically and he rolled his eyes. "Will you ever go back there?" She asked after a moment and he paused, looking at the painting before glancing at her.

"I don't know. Even though we had good times there, it also became a place where we lost people we loved." He said darkly and Nat's eyes softened.

"What will you do after you find the cure?" She asked him, changing the subject. He pursed his lips, making Nat stare at him confused. "Aren't you gonna make more hybrids?" He looked at her for a moment before leaving his brush on the side and stepping closer to her, until he stood between her legs.

"Can I tell you something? Without you blurting it out to your annoying friends." He muttered and Nat giggled and nodded. "I don't want to cure your sister." Her eyes widened slightly and she looked at him surprised. "I know you don't want that either, you're a firm believer that she should adapt to being a vampire. It's written all over you."

"If you don't plan on using it on Elena, how will you make more hybrids?" She asked him quietly.

"I couldn't care less about hybrids. I want to find that cure and destroy it before anyone can use it against me." He said lowly and Nat's lips parted and slowly curved into a small smile.

"Why does that not surprise me?" She whispered, an amused glint in her eye. "You're using Stefan because you know that he wants nothing more than to cure Elena."

"He's under the impression that if he cures her, she will go running back to him." He shrugged and looked at her questioningly. "What do you think?"

"I think that's bullshit." He laughed loudly and she shrugged. "Elena had feelings for Damon well before she became a vampire. I truly think she broke up with Stefan because she's not in love with him anymore, not because she became a vampire." She rolled her eyes and he nodded.

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