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Nat had been up for a few hours now, but hadn't had the energy to get out of her bed. Thankfully, she hadn't had any dreams, something she enjoyed while it lasted. It felt too good to be true. She turned in her bed and looked at the ceiling for a while before she sat up. She had wasted too much time in bed, she thought. After learning that her "dreams" weren't dreams, but rather memories, she was determined to find out more about them and why they were affecting her so much.

She shook her head and stood up, finding something comfortable to wear for the day. She grabbed her favorite grey sweater, a pair of ripped jeans and a pair of socks. She got dressed quickly and brushed her teeth before going to Elena's bedroom. She found the door already opened and heard voices inside. When she peeked inside, she saw Bonnie sitting on her sister's bed and Elena standing by her dresser. She remembered Bonnie and Damon coming to her with a plan to trap Elena inside the house if she tried to give herself up again. She didn't exactly know when that plan would be coming to fruition, but she figured they would do it today.

"Hey, Bonnie." The witch snapped her head at Nat and waved at her.

"Hey, Nat. How have you been?"

"As good as I can be with all sorts of memories coming back to me every time I fall asleep." She shrugged, trying to make light of her situation. Bonnie nodded sympathetically, but suddenly her eyes lit up and she grabbed her purse, rummaging through it before pulling out a little bag with some type of herb inside.

"I know it's taken me so long, Nat. But I found the last of my Gram's herbs." Nat grinned at her excitedly. "They're supposed to give you a dreamless sleep, but as soon as you drink them, they'll make you fall asleep."

"So it's like some type of sedative?" Elena asked from where she was standing.

"Kind of. I know it's not much, but I promise I'll try to find some more." She handed the bag to Nat and she took it before looking at Bonnie, tears welling in her eyes.

"Thank you so much, Bonnie. You have no idea how much this means." She hugged her tightly, feeling the witch return the hug. After a brief moment they both pulled back. Nat felt a tear fall down her face and quickly wiped it. She nodded at Bonnie once more before looking at the little bag curiously.

"Now that you've got this back, what are you gonna do with it?" Elena asked holding the moonstone.

"Right now, it's what is binding the Sun and the Moon Curse. If I can figure out a way to remove the spell from the stone, the stone becomes useless." Bonnie explains to both girls.

"And according to Katherine, Klaus becomes vengeful." Elena says dryly before looking at Bonnie.

"Maybe." She says.

"If he finds out." Nat tells her. Elena stares at her for a second before turning to Bonnie.

"Bonnie, can't this wait? Stefan is stuck in the tomb with Katherine. We've got to get him out." Elena says, obviously worried about her boyfriend.

"Stefan wants me to focus on this." Bonnie says shaking her head.

"Don't listen to him. He thinks that he's protecting me, but he's wrong." Elena presses on.

"I'm taking Stefan's side with this one. We're not gonna let you get used in some creepy sacrifice ritual." At that Nat nods. They heard footsteps and saw Jeremy come into the room. Meanwhile, Bonnie took the moonstone from Elena.

"What are you guys arguing about?"

"We're not arguing about anything." Bonnie reassures him. She puts the moonstone in her purse and exchanges a subtle glance with Jeremy and Nat.

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