Prose to mother Sappho

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Oh, mother Sappho! I'm falling slowly. Deeper and deeper with every day, I'm falling into this abyss of love. More and more with every day, I'm falling in love with this lady. This love feels just like magic, yet hurts like a curse. Oh, mother Sappho! Her beauty blows me away. Her eyes are the stars, that lead me through my darkest nights. Her laughter brings shine to my darkest days. Oh, mother Sappho! She's my precious angel, whose heart and soul I want to protect. She's my guardian, my safe place, the home of my broken soul. Oh, mother Sappho! Please, let her be my only and mine only. I wish nothing more, but to hold her in my arms. I would never let her go. I wish nothing more, but to feel her sweet kisses on my lips. I wish nothing more, but to wake up next to her every morning. And if this love can only exist in my dreams, please, mother Sappho, let me give my life, let me live that dream, and send me to eternal sleep.

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