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"That's a kyber crystal, Rex." Ahsoka whispered, like those words should mean something. Rex blinked. 

"A what?"

She opened her mouth, closed it, and frowned. "Uh... right. How do I explain this?" She chewed her lip. "It's a lightsaber crystal, Rex." Rex jerked like he had been stung and threw the crystal across the room. 

"A WHAT!" He yelped, the gem clattering to the floor with a musical tinkle. It was Ahsoka's turn to flinch, and she smacked him on the arm. 

"Rex! You shouldn't..." She blew out a breath and picked up the crystal. Sitting next to Rex, she offered it to him. 

"Nu-uh. I'm not touching that... thing." He scooted away from her like she held a live grenade. Ahsoka started chewing on her lekku nervously. 

"Rex, it's a kyber crystal, not a thing." She lectured, and held it out to him again. When he didn't make a move to take it, she sighed. "Rex, the crystal chose you. It's not going to cut your hand off before it's put in a lightsaber." She pressed, and he cautiously picked up the small gem from her hand. He cradled it in his palm, and both of them were silent for a long time. 

Finally, Rex took a shuddering breath. "What... what does that mean? I thought only jedi could use lightsabers." 

Ahsoka looked up at him, frowning. "It... it could mean several things. Hold on, uh.." Her mouth twisting, "Ok, yeah. I have an idea. Come with me." She grabbed him by the arm and dragged him back through the halls of the Resolute until they came to the medbay. Kix looked up from his desk and frowned at them.

"You two should be resting. What are you doing back here?" He growled, glaring. Ahsoka gave him a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. 

"I know, but I couldn't sleep. I have some jedi studies to do involving midichlorians, and Rex volunteered to be my labrat so..." Kix sighed. 

"What do you want from me. We don't have access to midichlorian research if that's what you want." He wearied. Ahsoka shook her head. 

"I need a blood sample from Rex." Rex glared at her, and she smiled sweetly in return. Kix sighed. 

"The things I do on request... Fine. Rex, get over here." Rex looked back and forth between the two of them, and Ahsoka nudged him forward. 

"Go on Rex. You promised you would help me with my studies." She lied, smiling evilly. Rex shook his head and followed Kix to an empty cott. It didn't take long, and Kix handed over the small plastiglass square with a blood sample pressed into it. Ahsoka grinned. 

"Thanks!" She grabbed Rex by the arm again and dragged him out almost before Kix could slap a bacta patch over the tiny prick on the inside of his elbow. 

They were sitting in Ahsoka's room this time, and she pulled up a couple files on a datapad and stuck the sample chip in a little machine. She grabbed whatever results she was looking for and sat next to him on the bed. Looking at something that made zero sense to him, she let out a breath. 

"That... that explains it." She sighed, leaning against him tiredly. She looked exhausted. 

"Ahsoka... we can figure this out later. You need to sleep." Rex said gently wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Ahsoka shook her head determinedly. 

"No. I'm fine." She blew out a short burst of breath. "This is is an average clone midichlorian count." She said, pointing to one display on the far left of the holoscreen. It read at about a thousand. "That's normal. This is mine," She pointed at the display in the middle, and it read seventeen thousand. "I'm a little higher than the standard that we use to consider children force sensitive, at about sixteen thousand. Master Yoda had the highest midichlorian count before Anakin and... that's not important. This is yours." She pointed to the third and final display on the far right. Rex's eyes widened. 

"But... I'm a clone. How is mine so much higher than Jango Fett's?" He looked down at his hands, like he could see the excess midichlorians under his skin. His count was higher than even Ahsoka's, even though it was nowhere near Yoda or Anakin's. Ahsoka snorted. 

"As good as the kaminoans are at what they do, they can't do karabast about the midichlorians. The force chooses who it wants with no regard to who or where they come from." Rex thought about this for a second, then shook his head. 

"And... why has nobody noticed until now?" He asked. Ahsoka hesitated. 

"Well, a couple reasons." She hedged, "Kamino was deleted off the jedi archives. We had no idea that it even existed until a few years ago. You were hidden from them until you were deployed, and then you were around jedi for the entire time after that. They would have been given credit for anything that you accidentally did." She paused for breath. "And one other thing. You're about twelve years old, right?"

"Yes?" Rex looked even more confused. "But what had my chronological age got to do with this?"

"Twelve years old is when a younglings at the temple is finally old enough to go on the gathering." She mused. "You found your crystal though, and not on Illum." She shook her head tiredly. Rex put a hand on her shoulder. 

"Ahsoka, you really need to sleep. I'm tired too." He slid an arm under her knees so that she was cradled against his chest. She sighed and let her head rest against him. Rex set his kyber crystal next to her lightsabers and reached across to turn off the lights. He pulled the blanket around them and then lay down, Ahsoka curled up next to him, letting him be the big spoon as she settled against him. She went out like a light. Rex smiled in the darkness and pressed a kiss to her montrals before also drifting off. 

Tomorrow, they'll figure this out.

A/N ~ This is what, my third chapter today? Fourth? I'm on a roll! Whelp, this is the first chapter of the sequel. So far so good, right?

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