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Ahsoka fell back, her arm sliding limply off Anakin's arm. She was breathing heavily, her arms trembling as she wrapped them around her knees. She leaned her head against the base of the tank, and felt another, yet even more distant surge of warmth from Rex. She took a shaky breath.

"How much longer can they keep him in bacta?" She asked softly. Anakin sat back on his haunches and sighed.

"I dunno, Snips. A week maybe?" He said uncertainly. Ahsoka closed her eyes. They had come so far. Been through so much. And now she was losing him in the relative 'safety' of the temple. Anakin stood, bracing himself against the wall.

"I'm sorry Ahsoka. Bacta is expensive, and if it takes any longer than a week for the clones then it's just cheaper to replace him." Her master said sadly. Ahsoka glared at him.

"How could you say that?" She spat. Anakin's face hardened.

"It's not my opinion, it's a fact. I know you love him, but I also know what it is like to be an object. Most slaves weren't even worth bacta." He said angrily, but it wasn't directed at Ahsoka. It was at the system, at the faults and moral wrongs that he couldn't fix. He let out a sharp breath and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Ahsoka, please." He said quietly after a minute of silence. "We can worry about Rex later. You need to rest. You yourself are not fully healed." He extended an arm to her, still being careful not to make sudden or threatening movements. "'C'mon. Let's get you back to your room. I won't let them restrain you again. I promise." He said earnestly. Ahsoka shut her eyes and curled against the back of the bacta tank.

"Sorry master, but I'd rather stay here." She whispered. "I won't consciously fight you if you please, please just let me stay." All of the anger and fight seemed to drain out of her.


"Please, Master." She looked up at him, her shattered soul showing plainly though her blue eyes. Anakin gritted his teeth.

"Ahsoka, the council is already suspicious. This would be the evidence they've been waiting for to launch a full investigation that could lead to his reconditioning or worse." His voice caught ever so slightly.

"No they won't. Master Yoda wouldn't let them." Ahsoka said adamantly. It sounded like she was trying to reassure herself more than anyone.

"Are you willing to take that risk?" Anakin's eyes met hers. He understood. He understood leaving someone he loved alone. Ahsoka hung her head.

"Ahsoka, the reason the jedi have forbidden attachments is because some people let it to to far, and when it comes to people with supernatural powers, the damage could be scaled up tenfold. I know you love Rex, and I support you whole heartedly. But this love cannot rule you otherwise one of you will get hurt." He gave a bittersweet chuckle. "I guess I didn't understand that myself until I had to teach it to you."

Ahsoka sniffed. "Ok. I'll go back to the room. But no promises that I'll stay there for long." Anakin smiled slightly.

"But you'll give an effort?"


"Ok. That's all I need to hear."

She raised her arms to him for help up. Anakin crouched down next to her. "Let me help?" He put one arm under her knees and the other gently around her back to show her what he meant. Ahsoka flinched at the contact, but let her master lift her with a slight grunt. She leaned her head on her Master's shoulder and closed her eyes.

She fell asleep before they even made it back to her room.

Ahsoka jolted awake, breathing hard and shaking. Night terrors. It was only night terrors. She had dreamed that the council found out about her love for Rex and exiled her from the order and put him to death for breaking the regulations. She tried to calm herself down, but it wasn't working. The darkened room wasn't helping any, and she wanted to throw up her stomach was knotted so bad.

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