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Rex really, really hoped Cavalry knew what she was doing. Heck, he hoped he knew what he was doing when he had her lead this. He had expected her plan to be... well he really didn't know what to expect. He hadn't spent much time with the girl, but she wasn't one to underestimate her opponents. In fact, she had a slight tendency to over think every angle.

But this plan seemed almost ludicrous. Rex didn't like not fully knowing what was going to happen. She had given out the plan in pieces. Only she and Fives knew the full picture. She partnered them up.

Fives with Rex.

Ahsoka with Jesse.

And herself with Cody.

Almost everyone seemed surprised at the pairings. Even Fives had his concerns about this. Cavalry insisted that this was the only way they would make it out of this with the chancellor. Rex took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He and Fives were to track down the other two bounty hunters that had vanished into the crowd. That was all he knew, was track down the two AWOL hunters.

He looked at the video feed again in an attempt to get an ID on them. One of them he recognized. Embo, from Ahsoka's adventure in defending a farming village back near the start of the war.

The holonet gave him a name for the second one. Twazzi. She was a renowned acrobat and performer that collected bounties on the side before dedicating her life to the guild. They still had an hour until they dropped out of hyperspace. Rex was getting fidgety in his seat. Cody had calmed down, and eventually returned to the group.

He couldn't sit still any longer. He stood abruptly and left to go down to the small hanger bay to clear his head. The bay doors were closed, but he still see the deep lines in the metal from when they had scooped ships out of wreaks or had tough landings.

Rex plopped down crosslegged in the middle of the hanger, staring out the transparent plasiglass panels into the swirling blue of hyperspace. It was hypnotic, but he knew better than to stare for too long. Hyperspace madness was a very real thing.

He closed his eyes and sank into a light meditative trance. He hadn't dared go deep into the force again after Mandalore. He stood once again on the shore, watching the ocean that was the loving force. The sky was dark and heavy with storm clouds. You didn't need to grow up on Kamino to know it would be a violent storm when the skies opened up.

"Rex, I said no." A voice jolted him out of the trance. He looked over to see Ahsoka glaring at him. He made a face and let go of the last of the image of the ocean.

"I'm not trying anything. Promise." His mouth twisted. He ran his fingers along one of the many carbon scored scratches in the floor. "Just trying to clear my head."

Ahsoka came around and sat in front of him, knees touching. "You? Nervous? Never thought I'd see the day." She chuckled. Rex smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Oh you have, I just normally have a better time masking it. Guess all that time resting's got me growing complacent." His smile faded slightly.

"Speaking of that, are you ok?" Ahsoka asked seriously, putting a hand over his. Her blue eyes searching his gold ones.

"Me? I'm fine. You were the one that was hurt." Rex turned his hand over and laced his fingers through hers. Ahsoka closed her eyes, a flash of pain crossing her face.

"Thanks to you. I hated those drugs, even if they were for my own good. And then you hooked up to all those machines... wires all over your chest and a tube down your throat..." she sniffed slightly. Rex opened his arms and she flew to them, curling up with her head resting on his chest plate. "They had to revive you twice. Each time I had to watch. It was horrible, when ever they sent a jolt through you your back would arch and your hands would spasm at the sheets. They had to haul me out of the room the last time." She hugged him tighter, like she had to prove that he was really still there.

Rex tried to comfort her the best he could. His armor was a little poky, but they found a position that worked.

"Still here. Still with you." He pressed a kiss against her montrals. "Not planing on leaving any time soon." He murmured. She turned her head to that his next kiss hit her lips. Rex wrapped an arm around her waist, leaning back against the wall of the ship. Her teeth snagged on his bottom lip ever so slightly, the needle sharp tip making a small cut at the corner of his mouth. Rex didn't notice until he tasted the blood. Ahsoka must've too, because she pulled away.

"Oops." She laughed. Res smirked, raising a hand to the nick.

"Somehow I feel like you're not very sorry." He chuckled too.

"If you two love struck di'kuts are done sticking your tongues down the other's throat, you're needed in the cockpit. We're dropping out of hyperspace." A new voice came. Rex looked up to see Cody grinning at them from the doorway. Ahsoka blew a raspberry at him.

Rex sighed and used the wall to help him stand. Ahsoka noticed and raised a marking at him.

"Just my legs, Cyare. I'm fine." He explained tiredly. Ahsoka's mouth twisted, but she said nothing. Just slipped her hand into his as they walked back to the cockpit. She let go before they entered, and skipped over to her seat before strapping in. Rex sat in his own chair and did the same. Fives noticed the blood on his mouth.

"Oi, whaddya do to your lip ori'vod?" He asked, nodding at Rex. "Did you try to eat a knife?" Rex sent a withering glare at him. Fives just laughed. "Fine then. Keep your bad habits a secret."

Rex rolled his eyes and turned to look out the window as hyperspace gave way to starlines, then blaster bolts.

They had dropped out in the middle of a space battle.

A/N - Am I stalling? Yes. Do I have a plan? Also, yes. Please sit tight as I put said plan into words. Thank you. Picture up top is how I imagine Cavalry and Fives. I did not create the picture, credit to the artist. RotD: What word in the English language does the following: the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire world signifies a great woman. What is the word?

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