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"Fives, let me fly!" Ahsoka yelled, grabbing the controls. Fives backed off and let her take control. She was no Skywalker, but she managed to skillfully maneuver them through the fire.

"What's it look like 'Soka." Rex gritted out as she swung the ship through the fray to the outer edges, going too fast for the stabilizers to keep up and throwing them around with increased Gs.

Ahsoka gritted her teeth as she whipped the ship around once more to narrowly avoid a vulture droid. Fives hit it with the forward canons. "Uh... looks like a seppie/republic dogfight. I- grrr- I'm trying to get us out. We might be able to get away." She growled as the craft shuddered with her erratic flying.

She finally managed to tear the craft away from the fray after a few tense moments. She brought the craft back around and began atmospheric entry. As fire enveloped the plastiglass in front of her, she breathed a sigh of relief, sitting back in her chair and wiping her palms repeatedly on her leggings. Her hands were trembling slightly from reaction.

Jesse put a hand on her shoulder and rubbed it gently. "Well done. Don't think Skywalker could've done it better him self." Ahsoka rolled her eyes at him.

"That's a blatant lie. You do realize that he took out a trade federation blockade ship single-handedly at nine years old, right?" She raised a white marking at him. "And please remove your hand from my shoulder before I rip it off and shove it up your-"

"Ahsoka." Rex said sternly. Ahsoka stuck her tongue out at her fiance and Jesse pulled his hand away hastily. Rex glared at his subordinate and got a cheeky wink in return. Rex sighed and pinched his brow in exasperation. The ship's comm system beeped.

"It's planetside." Cody said, leaning forward to squint at the display. Ahsoka looked back to Cavalry, who nodded. Ahsoka opened a communication channel.

"Unidentified craft, you are entering a planet on aerospactial lockdown. Please identify yourself or be shot down."A vaguely familiar voice said over the comm. Ahsoka pressed a button.

"This is jedi padawan commander Ahsoka Tano, flying republic craft the Twilight looking to aid my master in the search for the Chancellor. I bring hand selected clone backup to assist as well. What's the situation, Master Windu?" She greeted, forcing herself too keep her voice light. She knee Rex picked up on the underlying current of anxiety she always felt around the councilmaster.

" Padawan Tano. I was informed that you were on medical leave. I must advise you to return to Corascant immediately." Master Windu borderline growled. Ahsoka winced. This was going to go well.

"Sorry master. Not an option right now, between the dogfight in orbit and the conditions I left on when I... removed my self from medical leave. Moving on your location presently. Anything you can tell us before we land?" Ahsoka asked, a hint of anxiety creeping into her voice unbidden.

"Nothing that can be said over a comm chanel. And mark my words padawan, if we weren't desperate as we were you would be sent back to Corascant without hesitation. You're already facing archive duty for a week as it is." Now the jedi master really was growling. Ahsoka sighed and made a face.

"Understood, master." She cut the connection and slumped in her chair. "Well, that went better than I thought." She grumbled. Cavalry raised an eyebrow at that.

"That was better?" She asked skeptically. Ahsoka gave her a sidelong look. Cavalry redirected her gaze. "Sorry, sir."

Fives looked up from the controls. "I've got it from here, commander." He said. Ahsoka nodded and relinquished her control of the ship.

"So Captain, it's true then?" Rex looked back at Jesse. The trooper nodded between him and Ahsoka. Rex shook his head with a glare. Jesse pulled out a bronze flask and took a drink. "Bantha kriff. I ship it." Rex leaned back in his chair and gave an audible groan.

They landed near the city square. Rex pulled his helmet on to hide his face and the cut on his lip. No reason to ask questions if you don't see something to ask about. General Windu met them at the port.

"Padawan Tano. I assume you have a plan, coming all this way out here to help on a whim doesn't seem right, even for you." He asked. Ahsoka nodded.

"Yes sir. Cody and Cavalry will be staying here to run point. Me and Jesse will be tracking down Anakin and the Chancellor, and Rex and Fives will be searching for the missing bounty hunters." She said, putting her hands behind her back. The general lifted an eyebrow.

"That's your plan?" He asked skeptically. Ahsoka bit her lip.

"To my men's credit... it's not my plan." She said hesitantly. Windu glared at her.

"If this wasn't an emergancy I would never let... FINE! Archive duty, one month. Just get the karking Chancellor back." He growled. Ahsoka flinched again.

"Understood. Anything you can give us?" She asked as Windu lead them away from the ship. Windu sighed.

"Anakin missed his last check in about an hour ago.   And... about Obi-Wan. He was supposed to infiltrate Bane's team to learn of the plot to kill the Chancellor. We lost contact with him days ago, until today. I assume you saw the footage?" He recounted. Ahsoka nodded.

"Yes. We did not believe it at first though." Master Windu sighed.

"Well, then I hate to tell you. Obi-Wan Kenobi has fallen." They arrived at a command center. Mace Windu made his way over to a holoprojector mapping the city. He tapped it. "This is where we lost contact with Skywalker. I can't really tell you much. As for the other two bounty hunters, I can only wish that the force may be with you." He closed his eyes tiredly. Ahsoka frowned at the lack of information, but they hadn't expected much to begin with.

"Alright, you guys clear on everything?" She turned back to the pairs, who nodded. "Let's go find us a Chancellor."

A/N - Sorry if this had a bit of a spy-ish feel. I've been watching waaaaaayyyyyyy too much Agents of Shield... No Riddle if the Day, sorry.

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