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Ahsoka landed the ship right outside the Temple, and moved to wake Rex up, who had fallen asleep during the ride. She reached out to shake him, then got another idea. Moving to stand over him so her face was only inches away from his, she gently touched his shoulder. 

"Re-xie."She sang softly. Rex's eyes fluttered open and he jumped back with a yelp, falling out of his chair in the process. He glared at her as he slowly got up, rubbing the back of his head. 

"As much as I like seeing your face first thing when I wake up, Cyare, I don't like it quiet so close." He grumbled. Ahsoka laughed and gave him a wet kiss on the cheek. He grimaced and wiped her slobber off. "Ew. Really?" He complained. Ahsoka laughed and grabbed him by the arm, dragging him out of the ship and into the temple. 

"Yes, really. Come on, Master Yoda's expecting us." 

She led him through corridor after corridor through the temple. This place was a labrinth that he felt he would be lost in forever without Ahsoka to guide him. Finally, she slowed her frantic pace as they approached a nondescript door down a silent temple hall. Rex shivered, the stillness was as eerie as it was calming. 

She carefully raised a hand and placed her palm flat on the door, closing her eyes and concentrating. The hairs on his arm stood on end. Just as Rex was about to ask what she was doing, the door slid open. 

The small and wrinkled grandmaster sat on a round cushion in the dimly lit room. Two other like pillows lay in front of him. Yoda opened his eyes and indicated the two empty places. 

"Sit, please." He smiled at them. Rex hesitated, unsure of what to do. Ahsoka nodded at him reassuringly, and he followed her lead, sitting cross legged on her right. The door slid shut behind him. The grandmaster smiled at him, and Rex ducked his head ever so slightly. He could feel the power resonating off of him, like a static charge in the air. "An unusual predicament, you two are in." 

Ahsoka nodded, smiling warmly at Yoda. "Unusual seems to be our speciality." She agreed. Rex, not sure what to make of the two decided to hold his tongue and speak when spoken too. 

"See this crystal you have found, may I?" Rex hesitated yet again, and again looked to Ahsoka for help. She laughed. 

"Relax Rex, I've seen master Yoda do many surprising things, but he's not going to bite your hand off." Yoda gave a soft chuckle too, but it didn't seem to quite reach his eyes. Rex felt around in his pocket and retrieved the crystal, and held it out to the grandmaster. With a wave of his three fingered hand, Yoda lifted the small gem up and let it hover in the air between them.  After a few seconds it settled back into Rex's hand. 

"A kyber crystal, it is." He proclaimed. Rex closed his fist around it gently. "Come by this, how did you?" 

Rex looked up, a little startled to be asked a direct question. "Uh... I found it in the mines of Kavado, sir." He fumbled for words. The hairs on his arms prickled even further as the grandmaster did... something. 

"Bonded to you, the crystal is." He said softly, like he was confirming something incredible. "Strong with the force, you are." 

Rex let out a soft breath. All lingering thoughts or hopes of this being some dream or fluke melted away, leaving him with the prospect of an entire new reality to face. Yoda hummed softly, his eyes glazing over. 

"Master," Ahsoka cut in softly, "what is to happen with him. Is he to be trained?" Both of them turned to look at her, and she held each gaze evenly. 

"... Difficult, that question is." Yoda frowned, "Yes, difficult. Feel, I can, the beginnings of a bond between you. Good if take a student of your own, you could ,Padawan Tano. But... hmmm." The master turned to stare out the half-closed windows to the flashing lights of Corascant, the only lights in the room. He didn't speak for several minutes. Rex sat there awkwardly, fighting the urge to fidget. Finally, the grandmaster spoke. 

"Teach him you may, Padawan Tano. But not of the jedi. He will not be a part of this order." He sighed heavily. "Teach him of the force, and of your own studies. Aid you in this, your master will. Know about this, he must."

Ahsoka's shoulders sagged in relief. Rex would ask her about that later. "Thank you, master." She bowed her head to him. Master Yoda smiled. 

"Be mindful of this attachment, padawan. Do not let it become a tool for the darkside." He instructed, and dismissed the two of them. Ahsoka let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding once the door slid shut behind them. 

"That went better than I could have hoped." She sighed with relief. Rex raised an eyebrow at her. 

"What would going poorly look like?" He asked, following Ahsoka down the hall. She hesitated.

"Well for one, he could have refused to let me teach you. He could have sent you to another master, or even outright killed you." She started, and Rex winced. 

"Ok, not getting killed is a bonus." He agreed. Ahsoka laughed a little. 

"He also did not force you into the order." She continued, "Which, while you don't get the political or social status as a jedi, you aren't bound by the same laws as us. That means you get to keep your rank and status as a clone captain in the GAR. Basically, he changed our day-to-day lives as minimally as he could, while still ensuring that you got the proper instruction." She stopped at her door, and put the passkey in. 

It slid open, and she smiled. She was given these rooms when she had turned twelve, and had completed the gathering. Most jedi kept the same rooms in the temple until they died, and then they were given to another youngling. Most would find it creepy that several generations of people had lived and possibly died in the same room they were in, but not the jedi. In fact, it was sort of comforting, knowing the history of what happened and knowing that these walls had been there through it all. Their travel bags were already on the bed, waiting for them. 

She smiled at her fiance, who stepped into the room almost hesitantly. "We have a lot of stuff to cover in a short amount of time. Shall we begin?" Rex hesitated, then nodded. This would prove to be one of the most trying nights of his life. 

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