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As soon as Rex got the clearance, he made a beeline to Ahsoka's cell. She was curled up in a ball, asleep. Rex slipped inside and crouched down by her. Ahsoka's eyes snapped open and she flinched, but her panic receded in an instant.

"Rex." She croaked, clearing her throat and sitting up. Rex sat next to her on the bench. They had removed the binders, and she pulled at his mind anxiously. Acutely aware that they were on camera and he couldn't simply scoop her up and hold her, he settled for a loose arm around her waist. She pressed into him, giving a choked out sob.

Rex tightened his grip on her slightly. "I'm here. Are you ok? They didn't hurt you?" He asked, keeping his voice low so that the microphones in the room wouldn't pick it up. Ahsoka shifted so his armor wasn't digging into her side.

"I'm fine. Or, as fine as somebody arrested for murder can be." She mumbled, shivering. She looked up at him, pleading. "I didn't do it, Rex. I didn't kill her." She insisted. Rex traced patterns on her upper arms, like she had done so many times to him.

"I know you didn't. Anyone who's ever been around a jedi before would too." He shifted slightly so he could hug her. "Show me?" He whispered against her montral. Ahsoka nodded, closing her eyes.

Rex watched the scene play out, frowning. "Blue." He muttered. Ahsoka looked up at him. "The audio file for that cell just happened to be corrupted. They never heard her say that the lightsaber was blue. That rules out Ventress... and you."

Ahsoka closed her eyes and rested her head against his shoulder, ignoring the uncomfortable armor.

"And Anakin?" She said softly. "How did he react?" She asked. Rex's mouth tightened.

"He didn't take it well. He's currently threatening the guards and trying to get back here." Rex reported. Ahsoka winced.

"Make sure he doesn't..." She trailed off, unable to finish her sentence. Rex nodded.

"I will, Cy-Commander." He fumbled. Ahsoka leaned her head against his chest plate with a sigh. Rex's commlink beeped. His let out a long breath, somewhere between a sigh and a sob. He tightened his hold on her as shock troopers appeared at the door before untangling himself. "My time's up. I promise, Ahsoka, I'll get you out of here."

He was escorted out of the cell, glancing back at her just before the ray shield closed. He pressed against her mind as he walked away, managing to give her a single clear sentence.

I love you.

And then he was out of range. Fox glanced at him.

"I see you're still maintaining your reputation, Rex." He said venomously, removing his helmet. Rex paused, briefly, but the hesitation was there.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said at last. Fox barked out a humorless laugh.

"You're still at it, kissing up to the superiors and now the jedi. Loyal as an ack-dog, they called you." Fox sneered. Rex's blood boiled. He gritted his teeth and forced himself to count backwards from ten in mando'a. He switched to huttese when that was too easy.

"And there's something wrong with loyalty?" He asked when he had wrestled his emotions under control. Fox rolled his eyes.

"Are you really that dense? Maybe serving as lapdog to Tano has made you soft." He laughed again, but Rex didn't see the humor. "She's a jedi, Captain. They're not allowed to care."

Rex thought his blood was boiling before. He was wrong. He bit down on his tongue to regret saying something foolish and condemning. The taste of copper filled his mouth.

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