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Ahsoka slept in fitful starts and stops, suspended upright several feet off the ground at the front of the filthy mess hall of the pirates like some sort of twisted figure head. Sometimes they would have contests on who could throw their drinks up at her. She was covered in sticky dried ale and cider. The worst part was she couldn't even move her hands to wipe it away, and the feeling of pungent alcohol running down her face and arms was driving her insane.

Hondo stopped in a few times to talk to her, but she couldn't focus on what he was saying. Not that the words made any sense, anyways. Finally, a pirate seemed to notice her illness, and Hondo permitted a single stim use. It was by no means military grade, and if she had been lucid she might've been concerned with getting some disease from that needle, but she was too delirious to care much about anything. She slept again.

When she woke up, she almost wished she didn't. She could think now, and she wasn't cold, but her head pounded from dehydration and her neck ached from sleeping with her chin against her chest.

She groaned pitifully as her eyes fluttered open. She didn't even flinch at Hondo's wrinkled face inches away from her own, which seemed to disappoint him.

"Ah. You are awake. Excellent." He held a glass up in front of her. It looked to be filled with slightly scummy water. "Please, drink." He lifted it to her lips, and she took a few swallows of the disgusting water. It was luke warm and tasted faintly of ale, but it was water. He pulled it away after she had gotten a few swallows down, not nearly satisfied.

He smiled nastily. "Now, to business. After long hours of negotiations and bargaining, that one sith lord has given me the highest price. He will be picking you up tomorrow, so please try to look presentable." He laughed at his joke. Ahsoka didn't find it so funny. She was panicking internally. Caedus was coming. Suddenly, a pirate she had come to know as Sargon walked into the room.

"The little traveling circus is here, Cap." He called. Hondo smiled, and turned to Ahsoka. With a flick of his wrist he turned off the device keeping her from moving. She collapsed to the floor and was barely there a second before Hondo was pulling her up by her front two lekku. All Ahsoka could manage was a muffled grunt.

"Now," Hondo purred, "How about we let our guest of honor enjoy the show. After all, she has been such a good girl." He tilted her chin up. Ahsoka jerked her head away from him with contempt, but only succeeded in pulling harder on her head tails. Her hands were still bound in front of her.

Hondo lead her through the camp, the men laughing at the little jedi. Some of them threw food at her. Others even went as far as to try to grab at her chest or rear. Hondo released her head and let her bite the hands that got too close. Many weequey ended up with messy and torn puncture wounds as Hondo drove her forward through the camp.

She was forced on her knees as the show began. She didn't pay much attention, watching out of the corner of her eye as she struggled to find a way out of her bonds. A familiar form caught her eye. She stopped struggling just in time for the circus master to introduce his special guests of 'Mr. Tano and his mighty mini acrobats.' She looked up, just as Hondo slapped his thigh and laughed.

"Ah, I love a kiddie act. Tano, eh? Relative of yours?" He asked, glancing at Ahsoka. She peeled her lips back and extended her fangs in a snarl. Hondo produced the electric device and snapped it on under her jaw. It crackled and her breath caught in her throat. "Now, I asked you a question, and you're supposed to answer. That's how a conversation works, miss Tano." He raised the device a bit farther and forced her to raise her head. Ahsoka swallowed thickly.

"No. No relation. Look, he's human." She gasped desperately. Hondo pulled it out from under the soft skin on the bottom of her neck and glanced at the man, who was wearing a deep hood and robe. Ahsoka stifled a little gasp. Rex.

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