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The door of the room slid open and Fives walked in. Rex was getting better at recognizing people in the force. He cracked one eyelid open long enough to see what he was doing. His brother had a tray of food that he set on a medical cart on Rex's left. He moved to wake Ahsoka up, but Rex stopped him.

"Wake her up and you will die a horrible death." He growled. Fives nearly jumped out of his skin once he realized that Rex was awake. He recovered quickly though.

"Sorry ori'vod, but you're in no shape to be carrying out vengeance on a butterfly, let alone me." He gave him a cocky grin.

"Oh, I didn't say I would take you out. Kix's been struggling to get her to sleep for a week or so. And Ahsoka likes to chew on bones." Fives went deathly pale, and Rex gave an innocent grin.

"Understood, sir." Fives all but ran out of the room while trying to be as quiet as possible. Ahsoka, who had been faking it since Fives had entered, bust out giggling as soon as he was out of earshot.

"He tripped in the hall." She laughed. Rex joined her in chuckles. After going through hell, it felt really, really karking good to laugh. "I wouldn't blame him, after you threatened to have me chew on his bones." Rex shrugged slightly.

"You have scary teeth." He said, still grinning like a fool.

She sat up and moved to inspect the food tray. A bowl of gray mush, probably some tasteless vitamin-enriched crap, some fruit, and a small cut of meat that Ahsoka snatched up.

"Dibs." She claimed. Rex pulled a face.

"Thief. Help me sit up, will ya?" He complained. Ahsoka set her prize down and slid an arm around him. The mass of shortened scar tissue on his back ached at the change in position. His arms trembled slightly, but it felt good to be upright. He let out a small sigh of relief. He reached for the tray but almost ended up knocking the whole setup onto the ground. Ahsoka's quick reflexes let her catch the mess with the force before it became a victim of the floor.

Rex winced. "Sorry, my arms are all weird." He sighed and flexed his wrists unconsciously. Ahsoka gently set the tray in his lap. She bit her lip nervously.

"Nerve damage, from the burns." Rex flinched and looked at her, eyes wild for a few seconds. 'Nerve damage' was like a death sentence for clones. If you couldn't wield a blaster then what good were you to the GAR? Ahsoka put a hand on his shoulder soothingly. "Kix said it'll heal with time." She said softly, and Rex's shoulders slumped slightly, from relief or defeat she couldn't tell.

"Hey, look at me." She cupped his jaw gently and tilted his face up so he was looking her it the eyes. "You'll beat this and get better. Ok? I promise." Rex closed his eyes and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly.

"Ok. But I'll hold you to that." He gave a lopsided smile that made Ahsoka laugh. She settled against him as he turned to the current pressing matter. Food. He was starving.

His fingers felt thick and clumsy, he had a hard time making them obey. He tried to pick up the spoon several times, but he couldn't get a good grip on it. Ahsoka felt his frustration and placed a small hand over his.

"Let me help?" She said softly. Rex glared at the spoon.

"No, I can do it." He said determinedly, but he dropped it yet again. He sighed. "Screw it." He carefully wrapped his hands around the bowl and picked it up like a cup. He lifted it to his mouth and dumped about half of the mush in at once, a good portion of it running down his chin. He managed to drain the bowl before it slipped out of his grip.

Ahsoka was laughing so hard she choked on her tongue and snorted. "Y-you got a little something..." she chuckled, grabbing a clean rag and wiping the gray mush that he had splattered all over his face and neck. Rex was laughing too.

"Well, that's one way to do it." She laughed, getting the last of the slop off his face. She picked up her own stollen food and finished it pretty quickly.

"But I did get it down." He pointed out. Ahsoka shrugged.

"Fair point." She sat up a little straighter, leaning against the wall rather than him.  She went to set her now-empty bowl down. Her hand accidentally brushes across the side of his head, and he flinched. Ahsoka noticed.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?" She asked. Rex's face reddened.

"Nope." He said quickly, slouching a bit. Ahsoka ran her hand over the area again, behind his ears. Rex squirmed out of her reach. Realization dawned on Ahsoka.

"Rex, are you ticklish?" She asked with an evil grin. Rex set his jaw defiantly.

"No." He said stubbornly. Ahsoka raised an eyemarking at him and ran a feather-light touch against the soft spot behind his earlobe. He yelped and squirmed away even farther. Ahsoka's grin spread.

"I think you are." She said, and she pounced on him, tickling behind his ears. Rex yelped and squirmed, trying to get out from under her while being extremely aware of the perilously close edge of the bed.

"'Soka, love please have mercy." He gasped, pushing her away weakly. "Cyare please!" He begged, crying and laughing at the same time.

There was a knock on the door as Fives pushed it open. "Rex, what's going-" he stopped as he saw the... compromising... position they were in. He sucked in a breath. "Right. Have fun ori'vod." He turned on his heel. Ahsoka rolled off Rex to look at him.

"Fives, get your head out of the gutter." She commanded, but it was undermined by her giggling. "It's nothing like that. Rex is- MMFF." Rex thew an arm over her shoulder so his forearm was creating an effective gag.

"Aaaaand that's enough of that." He declared. Fives watched him from the door. "Nothing to see here, Euk vod. Carry on- OW!" He yelped and dragged his arm away from Ahsoka's mouth. Two little punctures marked his skin. "You bit me!" He said accusingly. Ahsoka gave him an innocent smile.

"You put your arm in my mouth." She countered.

Fives shook his head. "You two have got to be the weirdest couple ever." He made a face before leaving them alone. Ahsoka kissed her fiance on the cheek and laid her head against his shoulder.

"At least tell me you didn't poison me." Rex grumbled. Ahsoka gave a low rumble that sounded like a mixture between a purr and a chuckle.

"Never." She said softly, brushing a hand through his hair. It had grown out, and the was long enough to form tight curls and fuzz. "Ni asa gar, ner alor'ad." She whispered. Rex gave a surprised smile.

"You've been hanging around us clones too often." He admonished. Ahsoka pressed a kiss on the underside of his jaw, worrying at the skin until it left a small mark.

"Can you blame me?" She murmured, closing her eyes and resting her head against his chest. Rex's low laugh rumbled in her montrals.

"No, I guess I can't." He whispered back. He half set, half dropped the dishes onto the ground and shifted so that she wouldn't fall off the narrow bed. "Ni kar'taylir gar darasuum." He was exhausted from just moving around, and even then Ahsoka had helped him. But she was here. They were together. It would be alright.

It had to be.

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