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It happened that fast. Ahsoka felt the dam of emotions she had been holding back for days break, and she sobbed over the body of what had been Obi-Wan Kenobi.

They had been walking down the streets Corascant discussing strategy. Ahsoka had initially welcomed the distraction and the escape from her rooms in the temple. The rooms that once seemed so small now seemed massive and empty and cold without Rex's light.

There was a sniper that had attacked them, and they split up to hunt him. He evaded them and managed to put a blaster bolt through the general's chest. He fell from two stories up and landed near Ahsoka's location.

She was too late to do anything to save him. Now she sat crouched over his body, shaking and crying. Anakin dropped down beside her.

"Obi-Wan! OBI-WAN!" He yelled. Ahsoka looked up at him and opened her mouth. She couldn't get the words out. She didn't need to. "No. No." He shook his head and fell to his knees on the other side of his master. Sirens wailed in the distance, and soon red and blue flashing lights surrounded them.

Everything blurred together after that. She was asked dozens upon dozens of questions, and had what seemed to be a hundred different people give her their condolences. She couldn't think anymore, she felt like she couldn't breath. Anakin took her back to the temple. Yoda said that the funeral would be held the next morning.

Finally, they left her alone with her thoughts, like that was supposed to be any comfort. All she could hear was a thousand different voices yelling at her inside her head. She was the closest one to him when it happened. She should have been faster. She should have healed him. She left him to die.

Eventually she couldn't take it anymore. She opened the door to her rooms and slipped out. She headed for the barracks without even thinking, and threw open Rex's door.

Rex looked up, startled as the door to his rooms flew open. He was even more surprised to see Ahsoka standing there. He stood and snapped to attention. "Commander?" She ignored his words and flew at him, wrapping her arms around his ribcage.  "Sir? What are you-"

"Shut up and hold me." She growled into his chest. Rex hesitated, using every ounce of willpower he possessed to not return her embrace. He forced himself to pry her arms off of him and hold her and arms length.

"With all due respect sir, if you want a hug go ask your betrothed." He said bitterly, releasing her and guiding her towards the open door. She stopped and dug her heels in at the door frame.

"Rex, cut the gundark kriff." She snarled at him. He shrugged and went back to his desk and picked up his stylus. "Rex!" She pleaded, tears spilling over once more. He looked up at her.


That did it. She shattered. "I know you said not to tell you that I'm sorry, but screw that! Rex, I needed a viable excuse as to why I was there in the first place since Lux borderline kidnapped me and left me on the ship. Then as I was telling him off for making a deal with karking Death Watch, the leader walked in and he kissed me to keep me from blowing my cover. Then I have to fight a miniature army of mandalorians, Rex, and am hurt really, really bad. Not to mention that I can't call in the force because I had to close our bond after you got burned, and I karking felt that too, then I get back only for my mate to completely avoid me like I have the plague and tell me not to talk to him," Ahsoka is yelling at this point, all filter gone from her mouth.

Rex hunched over his desk, gritting his teeth. He could feel Ahsoka's pain, pain that so closely mirrored his own. "And then back on Corascant, with out my other half I have to still go about day to day tasks, and now Kenobi is..." she choked and slid down the doorframe, pulling her knees to her chest and sobbing into her hands. Rex froze, the unspoken part of her story clicking into place.

Kenobi is dead.

"Ahsoka?" He asked softly, turning to look at her small form.

"H-he t-t-took a s-snipper bol-lt to the chest and fell off a r-roof top a-and I c-couldn't get t-to h-hi-im in t-time." She sobbed, barely able to string words together. Rex inhaled sharply. She blamed herself for this.

Standing, he sat on the opposite side of the doorframe and put a hand on her shoulder.  "'Soka, it's not your fault." He said as gently as he could while trying not to cry himself.

"But I-I was t-t-the closest o-one to h-him and I-I sh-should have..." she trailed off, sobbing too hard to continue. Rex looked at the ground, a single tear tracing his cheek.

"C'mere." He said, sliding one arm under her knees and one around her back. He picked her up bridal style and made his way over to the bed. He sat down with a soft grunt and let her cuddle into his chest.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, choking slightly. Rex bowed his head so that their foreheads were touching.

"I understand...Cyare." He murmured back, wiping away her tears.

"I don't d-deserve to be c-c-called that." She hiccuped, fresh tears tracing their ways down her cheeks.

"Maybe not... but that doesn't matter to me." He pulled her a little bit closer, being mindful of her cracked ribs. She fell asleep in a matter of minutes, snoring softly in his arms. It wasn't even particularly late, but she needed her sleep. Neither of them had slept well without the other. Rex followed shortly after.

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