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Rex shifted slightly, opening his eyes and stretching out the kinks in his neck from falling asleep sitting upright. Ahsoka had shifted in the night too, her head now resting in his lap.

Rex felt a wave of relief wash over him, as he slowly got up and retrieved a cool towel to wipe the sheen of sweat off her forehead. The fever had broke. Her eyes fluttered open at the contact. Rex helped her sit up against the wall.

"Thank you." She whispered. "I'm sorry. I don't wanna get you sick." Rex snorted and passed her a glass of water, kissing her forehead.

"I have the best immune system genetics can grant. Worst I'll get is a stuffy nose." He pulled out his kit and searched through it. He had a basic first aid kit, where he had gotten the stims from, as well as some fever reduction pills and a thermometer and bandages.

He pulled out the thermometer and passed it to her. She made a face before sticking it in her mouth. It beeped and Rex pulled it out to glance at the little indicator.

"At least somebody's getting better." He smiled. Ahsoka grunted noncommittally.

"Still feel like crap." She complained. Rex's face softened and he ran a gentle touch from the tip of her montral down her jawline.

"I know you do. Wanna try and eat something?" He asked softly. Ahsoka made a face.

"Not really, but if it makes you happy..." She picked up the jerky left on the bedside table last night and started to nibble on it. Rex smiled and kissed her forehead again.

"It does. I'm going to check on the kids." He stood up to leave. Ahsoka made a sound of protest.

"Stay? Please?"

Rex sighed. "Ahsoka, I do have a job to do." He dug at his eyes tiredly. "And a lightsaber to finish." He opened his eyes to look at her and kriff, she was giving him the pout. He groaned and walked over to kiss her forehead. "You're lucky you're cute. I'll make my rounds and get my box of parts to come work in here, ok?"

Ahsoka smiled. "Ok. Love you." She hummed contentedly and settled back against the pillows.

Rex rolled his eyes. "Love you too. I'll be back."

He made his way down the hall and made a quick check in of the ship. Nothing on the scanners that could be trouble, nothing wrong with the ship. They had made a few micro jumps between nearby systems to try to make themselves a scarce target, but right now they were a little too close to Florum and Hondo'a pirates to be comfortable. He hoped R2 made another micro jump soon.

He circled around and came back to the training room. All the younglings were too busy with their own blades to notice him. Except Kantooni who cracked open an eyelid at him and gave a small wave that Rex returned. He got his little box and slipped out of the room quietly.

He returned to his and Ahsoka's rooms to find her working on her own saber. Rex raised an eyebrow at her.

"You should be resting." He chided. Ahsoka huffed.

"I feel better. I'm bored."

Rex walke over and placed the flat of his palm onto her forehead. "Nope. Still feverish. Did you finish the jerky?" He asked, settling crosslegged on the floor, dumping out parts to what would eventually be a lightsaber. Ahsoka frowned.

"No. Is that part of your 17's?" She tried to dodge his question. Rex glared at her and she ducked her head and pulled out the pieces of dried meat, only half gone. Rex smiled reflexively.

"Good girl. And yes, that is part of my blasters. I hate them not being operational." He grumbled. "And I got a sinking feeling that I'll need them soon. Now shush and eat your meat."

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