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Rex was bored. He had been in this bed for days now, only allowed to get up to use the bathroom. Ahsoka was asleep most of the time, and she didn't make much sense when she was. There had been no official word from Anakin and his Euk Vode, but Cody had stuck his head in to report a sighting on Nal Hutta.

The door slid open, and Kix bustled in carrying a new round of bacta and meds for the two of them. Rex opened his mouth to speak, but Kix cut him off.

"Captain Rex for the last time you will stay in that bed until you are fully healed. No more medical leaves with unexpected expeditions to Mandalore. No more hidden concussion bombs to go off at close range. You. Are. Staying. Put." The medic growled, giving Ahsoka her medication and doing an ultrasound of her montrals. Rex slouched in his propped up bed and slid down so his chin rested on his chest like a petty cadet as he pouted.

"I'm booooorrrrrrreeeeeed." He complained. "I can only stand so much holonet and crossword puzzles." Kix said nothing, just finished up with his fiancee and started on him. "At least tell me how the commander's doing." He sighed.

Kix grimaced. "We're trying to keep her asleep as much as possible to speed up her body's natural healing process. The blood in her montrals is receding gradually but it will take a month, minimum, before she's back at a hundred percent. Her ribs are slow going too, but the concussion's gone."

Rex blew out a long breath, glad she was healing, but a small part of him was impatient. He missed her.

Kix's hard expression softened slightly. "I know you absolutely hate this. I'll see what I can do for entertainment." He changed he bacta patch on his temple and tipped his head to the side so he could give him his medication. A muscle in Rex's face twitched from the pinch of the needle in his neck, but it wasn't that bad.

"I'll make you a deal. You stay in bed until I say otherwise and try not to make my job difficult, and I'll let you have more wiggle room when it comes to activities. As long as you don't disturb commander Tano, that is." Kix raised his eyebrows. Rex groaned again and slouched lower.

"Fine." He grumbled. Kix had obviously planned this, because he pulled a small box out from under the medical cart and dropped it on Rex's lap. It was a bunch of rubber bands, popsicle sticks, and mini marshmallows. Rex frowned. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

Kix frowned, taping a picture of a battledroid to a wall. "I don't know. Figure it out." He hurried out the door, pushing the cart. Rex's mouth twisted.

"Figure it out, Rex." He mocked, fiddling with the rubber bands and resisting the urge to eat the marshmallows. "Yeah sure. I'll figure it out." He pulled the popsicle sticks into his knotted rubber bands to make a weak slingshot. He fired a marshmallow at the picture at the wall.

It hit dead center and bounced off. He smiled and popped one of the squishy treats into his mouth. "Stupid droid. Stupid bed. Stupid sneaky medic." He grumbled, modifying the slingshot. he sent a couple more volleys into the picture, before having the brilliant idea of chewing on the marshmallows before sending them into the target, and they stuck there. 

Eventually, though he ran out of marshmallows. The target and the wall around it was covered in sticky globs. He broke the popsicle sticks into pieces and shot those at it too, some hitting the target and sticking to the chewed up gunk, some clattering to the floor. When those ran out, he started on firing the rubber bands. Everything was either on the target or on the floor around him. 

"Now what?" He wondered aloud. Nobody to talk to meant he was talking to himself more and more, which probably didn't look good considering his recent head trauma. A knock on the door warned him of an approaching brother. The door slid open to reveal Cody, who made to take a step in, saw the debris on the floor, and stopped. 

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