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Rex was working on the stupid rock, trying to get it to move. He had tried tilting the force weave it rested on, and while it moved a few inches, it made the rock roll off the weaving. He was almost out of options when the door slammed open. Rex jerked and did something, but he didn't see what it was that he did. The rock lurched about two feet to the right, hovering between his and Ahsoka's beds.

"We lost them!" Fives yelled storming into the room. Rex froze as Fives plopped down in a chair. Cavalry's face looked as livid as Fives's tone as she crossed her arms and leaned on the wall by the door. "We were so close, and we karking lost them!" He snarled, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Rex dropped the stone, which both of the new comers were too angry to see at first glance. Ahsoka, laying with her head in Rex's lap, stirred at the loud voice. Rex rubbed her arm soothingly.

"Fives, you're going to wake up the commander!" He barked harshly. Fives face softened as he flushed guiltily. Rex sighed apologetically. "What happened out there, Vode'ika?" He lowered his own voice.

"It was my fault." Cavalry's face darkened with fury and shame. "I disobeyed orders and went after Bane. I wanted... I had to..." she gritted her teeth as a hot, frustrated tear slid down he cheek.

"For the last time Cav, it wasn't your fault." Fives admonished. "You went toe to toe with the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy, and you not only survived, you actually managed to do some damage." He gave a sharp laugh, "Heck, it was my fault as much as it was yours for not covering our six like I should've."

"Fives, you are not at fault!" Cavalry turned on him.

"And you're not either. It was just a bad mission, Cav, they happen. Remember Umbara?" Fives snapped back with equal verbatim.

"Like I could forget." She growled bitterly. "At least with Umbara we won in the end."

"We lost three-fourths of our men!"

"I could've helped if you had let me go with you to attack the supply ship!" She shouted. Ahsoka whimpered softly in Rex's lap, clenching and unclenching her fists rapidly. She was having a bad dream, and the two fighting vode probably weren't helping.

"Enough!" Rex roared, Ahsoka flinching even harder at his voice and shaking, a small mewling sound escaping her clenched jaw. "Take five and get your report together. Come back when you can talk without arguing." He turned his attention to the panicking togruta in his lap, now caught in the grips of a nightmare that she was too drugged to come out off. "Dismissed." He spat. Cavalry snapped to attention and left. Fives hesitated, but followed her out the door.

Ahsoka thrashed in her sleep, Rex picked her up and set her in her bed, holding her down as gently as he could without hurting her or letting her hurt herself. She arched her back and cried in her sleep, a torrent of pained trills and chirps in her native tongue as she pushed at his grip on her wrists.

"'Soka! Ahsoka, Cyare, wake up. It's just a bad dream." He said, switching both of her tiny hands into one if his massive own. He reached up with his free hand and ran it gently down her montrals and lekku, muttering soft nothings to her and hoping it cut through the gray haze she was stuck in. She was crying now, breathing short and fast as her eyes flickered and fluttered.

"r... Rex!" She cried, struggling against him. "No! N...no!" She sobbed, shaking and trembling.

"Shh. I'm here love." He murmured, "I'm alright. I'm here." At first, he hadn't even realized he had been reaching out to the force until he was staring at the threads of force that was her. To his surprise, he saw a couple threads that were damaged. He barely even was aware of anything outside of the force now.

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