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Rex sat on a stool at the long bar like table in the training room, listening to Master Huyang drone on about the mechanics of a lightsaber. He had apparently awoken the force in his crystal when he had called on it for help in the temple on Illum, so he could skip the first three lessons entirely based on that. He unconsciously rubbed the brand on the inside of his palm as the robot talked and talked and talked.

It wasn't painful, it didn't get in the way, but it was still there. He didn't know why or how it was there, if anything it should just be a burn from where the crystal melted through glove and a much bigger burn then the one he had. It also should still be tender and healing, but it looked like he'd had it for years already.

Master Huyang rapped sharply on the table in front of him, making him jump.

"Are you just going to sit there and stare at your palm or are you going to pay attention!" His mechanical voice sounded angry and harsh, but it was hard to tell with the droid. Rex looked up at him sheepishly, feeling like a cadet caught with contraband.

"Sorry, sir." He muttered. He turned his attention back to the robot and the metal parts in front of him. He fiddled with the metal absentmindedly. It was spread out in utter disarray in front of him, his crystal somewhere in the middle.

Huyang sighed, a hiss of air leaving his audio units. "Let's see. You have chosen the parts that will, one way or another, become your lightsaber. The parts long to be whole, to be your weapon and shield. But only you can put them together the right way." The droid poked at the components on the table, then pointed at Rex.

Rex resisted the urge to groan. "But I don't know how they go together." He picked at one of the parts, the energy gate, and Huyang smacked his hand away.

"No! Not with your hands, Captain, with the force." Huyang reprimanded him. Rex sighed and closed his eyes. Reaching out, he felt for the pieces of metal and technology scattered around him. He picked some of them up, others he left laying there.

Huyang took the parts he did lift and put them away. Rex frowned as he rotated the pieces, tumbling them around in the air as he tried to figure out how to connect some of them. It was like a new model of DC that he wasn't familiar with.

He frowned. Some parts went together easily, some just tumbled against the others. Like there was something missing. He felt another tug at his gut, like the force was trying to tell him something that he just. Kept. Missing.

He groaned in frustration, setting everything back down again. Huyang peered at the pieces he had remaining.

"Interesting. You have left out several vital components in the forging of your blade." He reported, looking at the mess of metal and wire in front of the clone. Rex blew out a long suffering breath.

"Well. I guess I did. Now what." He snapped. Huyang looked up at him.

"Don't get short with me young man." Chided the robot. Rex just gave him a deadpan glare. "It seems that your missing components must come from somewhere else. Something important to you, perhaps?" Huyang asked. Rex frowned.

"I have very little that is solely mine. Just my armor and blasters, really." He shrugged. Huyang tilted his head.

"Well, perhaps there is something there that fits it." He suggested. Rex's scowl deepened.

"There's not a lot of tech in my armor, save for the HUD in my helmet. And I'm not keen on messing with that." Rex pointed out. Huyang nodded.

"Let us see your blasters then. You use two twin DC 17 side arms, correct?" The droid asked. Rex nodded, sliding them from the holsters on his hips. He was in full armor, minus the helmet. He set them on the table and dismantled them with practiced ease.

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