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The ride to Corascant was a short one. Rex's nerves returned with a vengeance as they dropped out of hyperspace. They moved to land at the temple, and Rex spotted a group of children running up to the landing pad as they touched down. 

Ahsoka smiled and placed a hand on Rex's arm. "Come on. Let's greet our kids-er...wards." She fumbled. Rex chuckled and snapped his helmet on, if only to hide his face. He relaxed in the familiar dimness as his HUD kicked on.

He followed Ahsoka down to the entrance ramp and stood back from her. He glanced at the kids, marveling for a second at how young they were until he remembered that he was only a little older than them. Ahsoka gave a little speech about how they were the top of their class and passed all of the previous tests.

He looked at the kids as Ahsoka named them off.

A Rhodian named Ganodi

A Tholothian named Kantooni

A Nautolan named Zatt

A Human named Petro

A Ithorian named Byph

And a Wookie named Gungi.

Rex watched them from behind his visor as they all chattered excitedly. Ahsoka smiled at them as they crossed the landing pad to a larger ship. It was good sized, but not too massive. It was old too.

He brought up the rear as they boarded the ship, and the kids just seemed to notice him. R2 was there as well, and he headed to the cockpit. Soon enough they were in orbit, and the ship shuddered as they jumped into hyperspace. The kids finally managed to gather the courage to ask about the mysterious masked man in the corner.

"Padawan Tano, who's he?" Asked Ganodi. Ahsoka's smile strained slightly.

"I don't mean to scare you, but there is a war going on and Illum is too close to our enemies for comfort. Captain Rex is here to keep us safe." She explained. Zatt raised his hand, waving it excitedly.

"Is it a clone?" He blurted out before Ahsoka could even call on him. Rex winced beneath his helmet.

Not an it.

He grumbled at Ahsoka telepathically. Ahsoka glanced at him, eyes growing slightly distant.

Do you want to explain it or me to?

I will.

If you could sigh in your mind, Rex did.

"Padawan Tano?" Zatt asked again. Ahsoka shook herself. "Is it a clone?" Ahsoka raised her eyemarkings at him.

"Why don't you ask him yourself. He can talk." She said graciously. They all turned to Rex to gawk at him. He sighed and unclipped his helmet, the seals hissing slightly. Bye bye luxury of nobody seeing his face. He kept a neutral expression as the kids studied him.

"Are you a clone?" Zatt repeated, looking up at him if he was trying to decide if he was sentient or not.

"I'm a person. Whether I share a face with other soldiers or not doesn't matter." He said carefully. "My name is Rex."

This seemed to satisfy them, and they went back to excited talking about where they were going. Rex glanced over at Ahsoka as he clipped his helmet to his hip with a sigh. Ahsoka waved him over from the little table she was sitting on. Rex plopped down in the seat next to her.

"What are you thinking about." He asked after a second. Ahsoka chuckled.

"Corascant isn't known to be a terribly warm planet, but Illum is a snowy wasteland. The mines are practically the only thing of value there. I'm just having a mental bet with myself on which one gets sick." She gave a short laugh. "One always does."

"Did you?" He asked. Ahsoka flushed slightly.

"Yes." Rex chuckled, studying the kids.

"Five credits it'll be the tholothian girl... Kantooni." Ahsoka giggled.

"Ten on Ganodi." She replied. Rex stuck out his hand, and Ahsoka shook it.

"Deal." They laughed some more. Ahsoka put her hand over Rex's.

"We'll be coming out of hyperspace soon enough. I'm going to go change so it's not me again." She winked at him and told the younglings to go change as well. Rex sighed. Ahsoka had taken her bag with her, so Rex simply hoisted his own a little higher on his shoulders and decided to scope out the rest of the ship.

There was a commissary, a training room/classroom area, a small room for meditation, the younglings' rooms, and finally his and Ahsoka's rooms. Ahsoka was apparently finished changing because the door was open. She was covered in a fur-lined coat and hood, a thick long sleeved shirt and pants. Her hood trailed down the back and she was tugging on warmer boots and gloves.

Rex smiled and shut the door behind him. Ahsoka smiled softly, finishing strapping her gloves in place. She turned around to face him and spread her arms wide.

"Whaddaya think?" She grinned at him. Rex smirked.

"You're the one who looks like a baby bantha like that." He kissed her on the forehead. "Aren't you hot?" He asked, tucking her rear lekku into her coat so it wouldn't be smashed up by her head.

"Not really. Won't you be cold?" She tapped on his white breastplate. Rex shook his head.

"Me? I've got high-tech thermal protection. I'll be fine. That is, if you want me to leave the ship. I already have my crystal." He pointed out. Ahsoka smiled.

"Yeah, but the mines are an awesome thing to see." She promised. Rex smiled.

"Alright. I'll go. Is General Yoda there too?" He questioned. Ahsoka nodded.

"He tries to always oversee the Gathering. If not him it'll be master Windu." Ahsoka shuddered slightly. Rex cracked a grin.

"Are avoiding him? Or the library time he assigned you?" Rex opened the door and stepped out, leading the both of them to the foyer. The kids were already there. The ship lurched, dropping out of hyperspace. Rex felt the shift in the pit of his stomach as they switched from artificial gravity to planetary. The ship landed with a soft thud, and the landing ramp opened.

Rex caught Ahsoka's hand as she moved to follow the younglings who were already out in the snow. He spun her around with a smile.

"Your hood. Don't want you getting a cold." He explained, tugging the fuzzy garment over her montrals. A brief kiss and they were making their way out into the snow.

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