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Even in his armor, Rex could feel the cold. He snapped his helmet on when he noticed he couldn't feel his nose. He was worried about Ahsoka, who was already shivering slightly.

They approached a large cliff of ice. It appeared to be one smooth slab, but Ahsoka stopped in front of it. She turned around to face the younglings.

"To open the door to the temple, we must work together with the force." She turned around and closed her eyes. She raised her hand and the younglings copied her.

You too, love.

Ahsoka's voice echoed in his mind. Rex obeyed, raising his hand and feeling for the entry way. The ice beneath them rumbled ominously beneath his feet, and he opened his eyes and dropped his hand quickly as the massive chunk of ice slid away to reveal a cave. His breath caught. Ahsoka was right. This wasn't a sight to miss.

He forced himself not to rubberneck this way and that as he entered the temple. He felt a shiver go up his spine, but not from cold. This place was ancient. Ancient and powerful. And not where a clone like himself was supposed to be. The distinct feel of having broken some sacred unwritten rule weighted heavily on his mind.

He switched to wide view on his HUD as he tried to take in the sights. Ahsoka was watching him with a dim smile on her face, as if she could see his jaw hanging open from behind his tinted visor. He shut it anyways, just in case she could some how.

To his surprise, general Yoda was already there, and in minimal cold protection too. He was perched on a mound of ice in the middle on the room. He smiled.

"Younglings. Today is a great day, and a great step forward in your jedi training. Today you begin the first step to building your lightsabers." He pulled out his own shoto blade and let it hover, the green blade spinning in a slow and mesmerizing circle.

The younglings burst out in excited chatter, Gungi letting out a deafening roar that made Ahsoka flinch slightly. Rex felt her sudden panic at the loud sound and rushed to calm her down, pushing a sense of peace at her. Her breath caught and she closed her eyes, paling for a second before opening them like nothing had happened.

It's ok, Cyare. You're ok.

Rex muttered gently in the backs if her mind. Ahsoka glanced at him and nodded, smiling slightly. Master Yoda finished explaining to them what they had to do, and waved his hand.

Rex looked to see what he was doing and his eyes widened. A large set of golden gears he hadn't noticed before were turning, clanking into a certain position. Two diamonds came to rest just so in front of a small slot in the ice, creating a powerful laser that melted the ice door. Ahsoka looked at him, tested his mind slightly, and had to stifle a chuckle before turning back to the younglings.

"Listen, children. The ice of the door will reform soon enough. You must find your crystal and get out before the door closes, or you will be trapped. May the force be with you." She dismissed them. They all took off at a run, sprinting and cheering as they ran into the caves. Then Yoda turned to the clone standing slightly awkwardly as he watched on.

"Captain Rex, your own challenge you are facing." He told him, and Rex gave a start.

"Me, sir?" He asked, and general Yoda nodded.

"Yes. You. Remove your helmet and leave it with your mentor." The general Yoda instructed. Rex obeyed, and Ahsoka carefully took his helmet from him. She smiled encouragingly. Yoda waved his hand, and a different door slid open at the far end of the cavern.

"Rex, your trail is to find your way back. Enter the caves, and rejoin us before night. Good luck, captain." Ahsoka told him. Rex walked towards the door and opened his mouth to ask a question. He turned around to find the door missing, only a smooth wall of ice in it's place. He reached for the bond with Ahsoka, but closed on nothing.

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