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Ahsoka woke up to agony. Pain, burning and fierce seared it's way through her. Then came another sensation, hitting her like the backlash of a whip. Betrayal. Heartbreak. She opened her mouth in a silent scream. Images hit her. Dozens of them. Her saying Lux was her betrothed. Lux kissing her. He had none of the tenderness that Rex did, which was ironic considering which one of them was the soldier. The images kept coming, and she felt a new wave of crushing sadness with every. Single. One.

She let out a small gasp of pain, and then it vanished as soon as it had come. She lay on the bed in the tent, a heavy weight settling over her. Tentatively, she reached out through the bond that they shared and recoiled with an audible hiss of agony. Force burn, and it was bad.

The other girls in the tent were awake, and starting to shuffle around. It was about an hour til daybreak. Ahsoka swung her legs over the edge of the bed, closing her eyes for a second as the room spun. She didn't want to, but she closed down her connection to Rex until the pain was only a dim tingle at the back of her mind.

She wasn't sure how much he had seen, but it wasn't the whole picture. Her chest ached with betrayal that wasn't hers. She could block the pain but not the emotions. She wasn't sure which were Rex's and which were her own.

She stood and dressed, walking with the other women to the near by village. The mandalorians were already there. She stood beside Lux who pressed a kiss on her forehead. She growled at him and resisted the knee-jerk urge to kick him in the family jewels. Not his. Rex's.

"Visla. I thank you for returning our women." The chieftain bowed his head. Visla shoved the girl from the night before, Tryla, up to him. She stumbled but the chieftain caught her.

"Your granddaughter, as promised." He sneered, then drew out an angular hilt. Ahsoka gaped as he ignited the shimmering black blade of the dark saber. More mandalorians arrived and gathered on the nearby rooftops. All Ahsoka got in warning was a slight flicker in the force, and then the blade swung down. Tryla gasped and crumpled. The other mandalorians perched in the roof were only waiting for this signal. They laid waste to the village, burning and pillaging it all. Lux's yells of protest were only met with cruel words. Ahsoka resisted the urge to say 'I told you so.'


Instead she ran over to the fallen form of the girl that was Tryla. Blood, dark and red stained the snow from her stomach. She was still alive, but fading fast. Ahsoka knelt by her side. There was nothing she could do.

"Save them Ahsoka... Save my... people." Tryla gasped softly. Ahsoka put her hand on her shoulder and nodded. The native gasped softly and sighed, slumped back. Ahsoka closed the girl's eyes and bowed her own head in remembrance. She hadn't even known Ahsoka was a jedi, yet she still begged for her help with her dying breath. Ahsoka stood, whiling around to scan the area for nearby opponents. The village was already in flames.

She heard a cry and turned in time to see Visla raise the dark saber over Lux's head. She lunged, hitting the boy and shoving him out of the way. The saber just misses them, leaving a sizzling burn on her left lekku. She lat out a sharp hiss of pain, and her shields slipped ever so slightly. A tumble of pain from Rex made her slam them shut again in a hurry.

She grabbed a pipe on the ground out of the debris and threw it, launching it like a spear through the stomach of a mandalorian that was burning the roof of one of the few untouched houses, nearly cutting him in half. She grabbed a durasteel shaft from the ground as his body fell with a wet thud.

She swung her new weapon at Visla, and would have struck him in the side if he had not cut her stave in two. She rolled, grabbing the other end of the rod and swinging it into her familiar shen grip. She swung with her left at the mandalorian leader and he cur that in two as well, but her second stick caught him in the helmet, knocking it off and sending it flying. He staggered and nearly fell.

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