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Rex sat up with Ahsoka. The peaceful blackness of exhaustion wouldn't last forever. He was alert at the first small sob or cry that she made, pulling her close and whispering soft nothings to her. He pushed the bond between them wide open, melding their minds as much as sure was comfortable with. His presence in her head was warm and familiar.

Eventually, Ahsoka gave up on sleep. The few restless hours that she had gotten did nothing for her mind. She let Rex hold her, just letting him be there. Sometimes he spoke to her, muttering in soft basic or mando'a. Sometimes they just sat in silence. When Kix learned of the sporadic sleep schedule the two had been stuck with he would flip his lid. The thought was almost enough to make him smile.


Finally, well after the sun was down, there was a soft knock at the door. Ahsoka made to get it, but Rex stopped her. He wrapped her in a blanket and stood. To his surprise, king Dendup stood in his doorway. He nodded at Rex.

"May I enter, Captain?" Rex stepped aside and let the king into the room. Ahsoka flushed, acutely aware that she had no pants on. Rex's shirt was big enough that everything was covered, but it didn't feel near enough with royalty in he room. She wrapped the blanket tighter around her and inclined her head. The king returned the gesture.

"Miss Gerrara said I would find you here. Clone Captain Rex and Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano?" He asked. Ahsoka gave a terse laugh.

"Yeah, that's us." She said bitterly.

"I thought I should thank you myself, for your aid to the rebels and by extension, myself." Dendup smiled briefly, but it faded.

"My apologies that we could not do more, your highness." Ahsoka lowered her head. Dendup tilted his head.

"Jaiscon was ready to die. It was his time, Jedi." The king said kindly. Ahsoka closed her eyes as a shadow of pain crossed her face. "We are hold his funeral pyre tonight, in an hour." The king informed them. Rex spoke up.

"We will be there."

The king nodded at the clone before taking his leave. Rex walked back over to the bed. Ahsoka glared at him.

"Your cane." She reminded him. Rex huffed but called the metal rod to his hands. It hit his palm harder than he intended, and he winced. Ahsoka chuckled wryly.

"You're getting good. Although there are some things you still need to work out." Rex's face split with a grin at her praise. "I think we're ready to move to blaster bolt deflection." Rex's smile froze, as well as the rest of his body. Ahsoka's lips twisted into a faint smile.

"We'll use stinging bolts, not actual blaster bolts. For now." She said.

"And that's supposed to make me feel better about being target practice?" Rex grumbled. Ahsoka rolled her eyes.

"I mean, you're a clone trooper. The droids use you as practice all the time and you're still alive."

He huffed sulkily and sat on the bed next to her, opening his arms. Ahsoka crawled to him and just kinda crumpled against him with a soft sigh. Rex stroked her montrals gently for a few minutes.

"Ahsoka, we might want to get ready for his funeral." Rex reminded her gently. Ahsoka groaned softly, but made no move to get up. "'Soka, Cyare, you might want to put on some pants before it starts. And the rebels will talk if they see you in my shirt." He nudged her a little bit.

Ahsoka sighed and rolled off of him. "Fiiiiiiine." She complained. She trudged her way to the refresher, dragging her feet.

The ceremony was relatively short. The King read the funeral rights, Steela lit the pyre. Ahsoka would have cried if she had any tears left. Her chest still ached though, so she wasn't completely numb like she had been earlier. Rex put a gentle hand on her shoulder. His eyes were misted over as the body caught fire.

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