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Rex drove this time, muttering something about 'her flying way to much like her master." He was hunched over the controls, anxiety pouring off of him in waves. His head was clear, though. Ahsoka fingered her lightsabers with nervous hands.

Hondo was arrogant and brash to be sure, but not enough to just leave his fuel supply out in the open. So they would be rescuing him after all. As they neared the compound, Ahsoka shuddered, a brief tremor in the force the only warning they got before an ion net sprang to life. Rex swerved but they hit it anyways.

The repulsor lifts in the speeder shuddered and failed, and the transport crashed to the ground. Rex tucked his head in and rolled, tumbling through the dust and brush. He heard Ahsoka yelp in surprise and pain as she came to a stop. Rex was on his feet and scrambling over to her in an instant.

"You ok?" He asked, offering her his hand. Ahsoka took it and stood, rolling out her joints. She nodded after a second.

"I'll live." She assured him. She stiffened suddenly, glancing back to the crash. "But our stowaways may be in worse condition." She growled, running back to the wreckage. Rex frowned and followed her back. With a bit of effort between them, despite Rex's hesitation in using the force, they managed to turn the speeder over.

Huddled in the dirt beneath the remains of the speeder was Petro and Kantooni. Kantooni coughed, and Petro had the good grace to look sheepish. Ahsoka folded her arms and bared her fangs slightly.

"You were supposed to stay with the ship. Why aren't you with the ship?" She asked, fear and worry laced through the anger in her tone. Petro opened his mouth, then closed it.

"It was her idea!"

"Petro made me go!"

They said at once, pointing at the other. Ahsoka looked worriedly at Rex.

We're half a klick away from Hondo's base. It's nearly thirty klicks back to the ship.

She thought worriedly. Rex grimaced behind his helmet.

And he must've brought in droids. Only they could get a full perimeter fence up in less than a day.

Ahsoka winced.

Yeah, I caught that too. But risking Caedus touching them....

He won't! I swear it.

Rex's mental voice was harsh.

We can't take them back, Cyare. Not if we want to get off this planet alive. That perimeter probably has a silent alarm. They'll be on us before we even get ten klicks.

I know. Kriffing haran, I know. But Kantooni doesn't even have her lightsaber finished.

Rex swore aloud. He pulled out a 17, having fixed them with parts from the blasters he stole off the pirates. He glanced at the tholothian.

"Know how to shoot kid?" He asked. Kantooni winced.

"Kinda?" She looked up at him. Rex snorted.

"Kinda? You either do or don't, kid." He said grimly. Kantooni nodded.

"I know how." She said. He passed her the blaster. She slipped it through the sash around her waist. Not proper blaster safety, but she didn't have a holster and Rex's was attached to his belt.

Rex nodded at Ahsoka. "I'm not leaving them to the droids. Ahsoka sighed, but gave her agreement.

"If we survive this, we are going to have a long talk about following orders." She said sternly. The kids glanced at each other, wondering just how deep they had thrown themselves in to this. The answer was much deeper than they had anticipated.

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