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When Rex first opened his eyes, everything was right with the galaxy. He was in a fairly comfortable bed with his Cyare laying spread-eagle on top of him and snoring softly, and they had a few days off duty to spend recovering from... From Kavado. 

The memories of yesterday came flooding back, and Rex suppressed a groan. It was one thing to see jedi in action. The possibility of being one himself... What about his brothers? Would he be able to still lead them in battle? Would he still be able to wear his armor? What about his DC17s? 

Ahsoka yawned and rolled off of him, interrupting his silent panic. Her blue eyes blinked open sleepily, and she pressed a kiss on his cheek. 

"Morn'in handsome," She slurred, sitting up and slinging her feet over the side of the bed. Rex followed suit. Now would not be the best time to talk about... that. Best to let her wake up first. 

Rex managed a thin smile at her. "Good morning Cyare." She leaned against him, humming sleepily. Rex smiled, a real smile this time. No matter what happened, somethings would never change. "I'm going to go shower and get dressed. I don't want to smell like bacta forever." He poked her in the ribs. She nodded in agreement and stumbled to her own 'fresher. Rex left to go back to his own room, still grinning like a shiny. 

After the revelations of what happened yesterday, everything still seemed... normal. It felt like the galaxy would've flipped on its axis, but everything was still right side up. The shower still worked like it was supposed too. His spare civies were in his locker. His armor and blasters were right where he had left them before Kavado. 

But... He felt different. Fidgety, and he was having a hard time staying still. He had left the crystal next to Ahsoka's lightsabers in her room. He still hear the song, but it was different now. Like the crystal was content that he found it. He didn't feel sick like he had before he found it, but he could still feel it. Not a tug in his stomach, but it was like an extra limb that he had never knew about. Just... there. A part of him. 

As he stepped out of the shower, a towel still slung around his shoulders, his shirt and cargo pants sticking to him from the water, his hand-held commlink dinged. It was Ahsoka. 

"Yes, Cyare?" He asked, a mini hologram of Ahsoka appearing in his palm. 

"I had and idea about... yesterday. Meet me on the bridge?" She asked, chewing on her lekku again. Rex nodded. 

"Of course." The hologram winked out, and he set it on the small desk across from his bed. He sighed before making his way to the bridge, which was deserted except for Anakin and Ahsoka. Anakin spotted him as soon as he entered and waved him over. 

"Ahsoka has put in a formal request for you two to go to Corascant and take a couple weeks to yourself after the ordeal on Kavado." He commented almost too casually. "Sounds romantic." Rex wasn't expecting this, but he played his part anyways, his face flushing shock-trooper-red as he and Ahsoka shared a look. 

"Y-yes sir."He stuttered. "It's not what you think though!" He covered. Anakin raised an eyebrow. 

"I'm not thinking of anything other than what's best for my padawan. Can't be sending you two out into the field too soon and getting you both killed. You can take the Twilight." He passed him a datapad, and Rex read the report. 


NAME: Ahsoka Tano and CT 7567 Rex
TIME: Three weeks

REASONS: Recuperation after intense experiences in the Kavado Mines. 
INJURIES: Several whip marks on the captain and padawan, padawan with burns on her arms too. Possible psychological damage for each.


SIGNED: General Anakin Skywalker. 

Rex nodded. Anakin smiled and returned the gesture. 

"Take care of yourselves." He smiled turned back to the holomap, their dismissal. Ahsoka took Rex gently by the arm and guided him out. Once they were in the corridor. Rex shot her a look. 

"And why are we going to Corascant?" He asked in a low tone. Ahsoka gave him a sly smile. 

"To recuperate after Kavado of course." She also lowered her voice. "This," She indicated him, "is something that we need to talk to grandmaster Yoda about. He'll know what to do. I... I don't want to hurt you by trying to explore this without proper guidance." She scuffed at the ground awkwardly. Rex nodded. 

"That... that makes sense." He blew out a short breath. "So... This isn't just a bad dream then?" He asked tiredly. Ahsoka gave a start, and stepped in front of him. 

"Not a dream, but why would this be bad?" She asked, "Rex, you've been given a gift. An incredible and rare gift." Rex looked down. 

"Gift? Cyare, even if I learn how to... This," He waved his hands in the air in a poor imitation of the gestures Ahsoka used when calling on the Force, "will I be able to still fight in my armor with my brothers? Or will I be off running around in some homespun robe with a bu'nas'a jetii'kad!" He switched to mando'a in his frustration, mimicking the swing of a lightsaber. Ahsoka's expression softened, and she reached a hand up to cup his cheek. He leaned into her touch unconsciously, and felt some of the icy fear in his chest melt away. 

"Rex, your place is with your brothers. Master Yoda will help, but nothing that happens from here on out will change who you are. You can still wear your armor, some jedi do to a certain degree." She smiled at him, and he felt the remaining fear he still held drain away. 

"You don't." He said petulantly, but he was returning her smile. "Neither does Anakin or general Kenobi." Ahsoka snorted.

"Rex, have you seen the acrobatics I do? Do you really think I could do that in full clone armor?" She tapped at his chest where his plastiod plating normally rests. He shook his head. 

"No, I guess not. But what about Skywalker and Kenobi." 

Ahsoka laughed. "Yeah, Anakin probably would benefit from a little more protection. As for Kenobi, he really doesn't need it. Master Yoda has even described him as the master of form three. His lightsaber is a defensive shield better than even clone armor."

Rex frowned. "What's form three?" Ahsoka hesitated. 

"Let's... let's get to Corascant and talk with master Yoda first. Not that I don't want to answer your questions, but those are really, really big subjects. Ok?" Rex nodded. Ahsoka blew out a breath. "Ok. Pack whatever you want to bring for the next three weeks, and meet me at the Twilight in thirty minutes. Got it?"

Rex snapped into a lazy salute. "Sir yes sir." Ahsoka laughed. And with that, they left to prepare for the flight ahead.

A/N ~ So far, so good. Yeah, I know that a lot of you weren't expecting me to pull the 'Rex is a Jedi' card, so it was a pretty big gamble. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seemed to be one worth taking. I didn't put Rex's "I'm no jedi" scene for a reason. RotD: What breaks yet never falls, and what falls yet never breaks?

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