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Ahsoka scrolled through the datapad in her hand, trying not to worry about her fiance unconscious in the bacta tank. Trying not to be afraid. Still, she jumped when there was a sharp knock at the door.

"It's open." She called, reflexively sliding her fangs out of their sheaths. Fives stepped in, closing the door gently behind her. He seemed slightly nervous. "Hey." She said, sitting up slightly. Fives grinned but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Hey yourself." He sat down on the windowsill as there was no chair in the room.

"How'd you get Kix to let you in? I thought I was on a no visitors policy?" She asked, calming her racing pulse and the voice in her head that yelled that he was going to hurt her. Fives gave a cheshire grin.

"With the right information I can be very persuasive." He replied casually.

"So you blackmailed him." Ahsoka deadpanned. Fives fake winced.

"Now when you say it like that..." They both shared a laugh at that. "I had to talk to you though. Figured I'd take my chances at getting my throat torn out." He nodded at her and Ahsoka realized she still had her fangs extended over her bottom lip ever so slightly. She sucked them back in in a hurry.

"Sorry, habit." She sighed. Fives's layed back demeanor slipped for a fraction of a second, panicky nervousness written across his face from something he had yet to divulge. "What's so important you risked the warden's wrath to see me."

Fives fidgeted. "I wanted to apologize." He said softly, no trace of joking left in his voice. "For Rex getting hurt." Ahsoka blew out a breath.

"Fives, unless you swung Caedus's blade yourself then you have nothing to be sorry for." She told him solemnly.

"But I may as well have!" Fives burst out. Ahsoka flinched at the sudden sound. He noticed. "Sorry Commander. It's just..." He leaned his head against the window behind him and scrubbed roughly at his eyes. "I was so mad at Jesse's death I wasn't paying adequate attention to my surroundings. Caedus he... he came out of nowhere. Would have cut me in half if Rex hadn't shoved me out of the way." Fives shook his head. "I knocked my head against the wall behind us and blacked out. He was gone when I came too." He whispered.

"Fives..." Ahsoka trailed off. The ARC opened his eyes.

"I was sloppy and he suffered for it. Karking hells, you both did." He rasped. Suddenly, he pushed off the plastiglass behind him and stood. "I should go." He muttered.

"Fives!" Ahsoka yelled. He paused, hand hovering above the controls for the door. "Fives," she said again, quieter, "if I blamed you for what happened, you'd already be dead. Trust me. I don't blame you and Rex doesn't either, so don't you dare blame yourself." She growled at him. Fives's shoulders slumped slightly. He dropped his hand by his side and leaned against the wall.

"Yes sir." He saluted her. Ahsoka frowned at him for a moment.

"There's something else?" She asked. Fives flinched a little. "Don't worry," she reassured him quickly, "I'm not reading your mind. But you still are really nervous about something and it's strong enough that I feel it without trying."

Fives relaxed a little. "It's... well... It's how Rex got to me in time to shove me aside. He was at the other end of the alley, but he managed to cross it in less than a second. That's not just unusual, that's superhuman." He said, looking her in the eye and watching her carefully. Ahsoka tried to feign surprise, but she knew Fives didn't buy it for a second. "You know something about it, don't you?" He asked suspiciously.

Ahsoka sighed and rubbed her eyes. "Sorry Fives. It's not my secret to tell." She said apologetically. Fives scowled.

"Ok then." He blew out a breath. "Rest up Commander." He said softly, whistling as he made his exit. Ahsoka flopped back onto the bed, and tried to do just that.

Rex stood looking out a window at a storm on Kamino. He watched, mesmerized as the lighting flickered through the heavy black and blue clouds. The waves were huge, towering several stories high at times.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" A voice came from behind him. Rex turned from the window to look at where it came from. A man in blue and silver mandalorian armor leaned back against the wall behind him. He reached up and pulled off his helmet to reveal a face nearly identical to Rex's. It was older, though. Weathered. Jango smiled at Rex. "What's your name, son?"

Rex hesitated. "CT 7567, sir." He said, saluting the template from which he was made. Jango chuckled.

"Please, Buir will do just fine. I asked for your name, not you alphanumeric designation." He moved to stand by his clone, putting a hand on Rex's shoulder.

He hesitated. "Rex. My name is Rex." He said at last. Jango smiled and turned his attention back to the storm.

"Well, Rex, welcome home." He said after a few seconds. "There's a couple people who have been waiting to see you." Rex looked at his Buir.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"A couple who came before you. Neon. Jesse. Hevy. Hardcase, to name a few." Jango steered him down a hall. A familiar one. It lead to the mess hall. Rex dug his heels in and stopped.

"But they're... am I dead?" He asked softly. Jango raised an eyebrow at him.

"Maybe." Jango said cryptically. Rex's face fell. "Don't get upset, Captain. You did your job. You've earned this rest." Jango assured him. "There's no war here. You're safe."

Rex looked to where the mess hall was. He could hear familiar voices echoing down. Then came one from behind him.

"Please, come back to me." It whispered. Rex knew that voice. "I can't do this alone, love." It was coming back from the storm. Like it was just on the other side. Rex looked back at Jango. His Buir had a sad smile on his face.

"It's your choice, son. Join your brothers or fight your way back to her." He said. Rex looked back and forth between the storm and the mess. He took another step to the mess when the voice came again.

"Ni asa gar."

Rex stopped and looked back once more. He glanced at Jango. "How? How can I get back to her?" He asked desperately. He still didn't have a name to put with the voice, but he suddenly needed to get back to her like a dying man needs air. Jango gave a sad smile.

"Are you sure? If you go back you will suffer. You will feel pain. Is she really worth it?" His Buir asked.

"All the best things are worth fighting for." Rex said, looking back to the storm. Jango nodded.

"Then I won't stop you. One last thing though, son." Rex met his eyes, and Jango pulled him into a bone crushing hug. Rex hesitated, then returned his father's hug almost reverently. Jango released him and held him at arms length.

"Thanks... Buir." Rex said.

"Win the war, son." Jango ordered, and Rex nodded. He walked back to the glass, and a door next to the window slid open. Rain poured in, but Rex walked out to meet it. He crossed the small platform outside of the door and stopped at the edge, he was soaked to the skin already, and the waves were huge. Rex took a deep breath, then dove into the icy water below.

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