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Ahsoka was disappointed when she woke up. Still absolutely dark, still trapped. She licked her chapped lips, forcing down yet another sensation. Hunger. She was starving. With a groan she sat up, instinctively reaching out for Rex. She brushed his mind with the force and found him. He was in a cage slightly bigger than hers, sharing a wall between them.

Ahsoka curled up with her back against said wall, resting her head on her arm. She fought down another wave of panic when she realized that she couldn't echolocate. Her hands brushed rubber-like coverings that coated her montrals. No echolocation. She was completely blind here. She was hyperventilating again, but she managed to calm herself down.

"You shouldn't have done that." Croaked a voice right next to her. Fingers slipped through the bars and ran gently across the back of her head. Rex couldn't get his whole hand through, but he tried to offer her comfort.

"Please... tell me you're real." Ahsoka whispered, shuffling around in her cage. Rex frowned in the darkness. "The darkness is messing with my head. Please, tell me you're real." She begged, sliding her smaller hand through the bar to fumble for his own. Rex grabbed her hand and wrapped his fingers through hers.

"I'm real, love. I'm right here." He coughed. He still felt feverish, but if the crust that covered his upper back was anything to go by, Ahsoka's healing had done something. She was crying again, clinging to his hand like a lifeline. The thin band of her ring bit into his knuckle ever so slightly. She turned her wrist ever so slightly so that the cold metal wasn't chaffing half as bad.

"You're warm. How's the back?" She whispered in the darkness. Rex grunted and shifted, wincing at the crackling of pain across his back where the scabbing objected to the movement.

"Hurts. You passed out before you could fix everything. I'll live. Probably." He gritted his teeth against the pain and itching until it faded slightly. Fresh blood oozed from where the scab broke, sticky and hot on his arms and lower back. Ahsoka took a shuddering breath. Rex ran his thumb across her knuckles gently. They were swollen and bruised.

"Are you hurt?" He asked, tracing patterns absentmindedly across the back of her hand. Ahsoka paused.

"Not as bad as you." There was a clanking sound, and Ahsoka tensed. "Please, don't let go. He's coming." She begged, and a panel slid open on a wall a distance off. Rex gripped her hand tightly as a familiar form walked easily in, a dim light spotlighting him. He could see Ahsoka now in the dim light. She was better off than he was, or so she looked.

Kenobi sat down in a chair, the dim light highlighting his sickly yellow eyes that reminded him of Krell. "Ah yes. The little clone is conscious." He smiled. It was not a nice smile. "How would little Tano here react though... if I hadn't let her heal you." He held up his hand, and Ahsoka's eyes rolled back into her head. She sat there, unmoving for a few seconds.

Then she screamed.

"NO! Please, they wouldn't let me! IT'S NOT MY FAULT!" She thrashed in the cage, but Rex held her hand steady. He reached out tentatively to the thin strand of a bond that they shared and pushed as much warmth and comfort as he could along it. He almost forgot about Kenobi in trying to help Ahsoka. A costly mistake.

"Now now, clone, the only reason you are still alive is so you can hurt her." Kenobi spat, kicking the small cage where Rex was huddled. Rex looked up at the man that was his friend as much as his burned back would allow.

"I would NEVER hurt her." He growled at the sith. Kenobi gave a barking laugh.

"You already have." He chuckled, raising his hand. A searing headache hit Rex like a speeder bike. Pressure built up behind his eyes and lights flashed in his vision. Finally it hit a boiling point and everything dissolved into darkness. His eyes flickered open to find himself back in Ahsoka's rooms at the temple.

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