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Ahsoka sat up and threw her hand out, shoving unseen monsters and tormenters away with the force. A medical rack by the door toppled and crashed to the floor. She was breathing hard and shaking, she slid back and leaned against the wall. She pulled her knees and struggled to regain control of her breathing. The door burst open, and Ahsoka gave a small scream.

It was just Kix, in the same standard issue civvies that she had seem Rex wear so often. A '16 was raised at the ready, but he lowered it almost instantly.

"Commander?" He asked carefully. Ahsoka was still curled up in a ball, her head tucked against her knees and her arms wrapped around her neck. She gave a strangled sob. Kix made his way through the wreak and sat awkwardly on the edge of the bed.

"S-sorry about the m-medrack." She stuttered, taking a shaky breath.

"'S ok." He picked a blanket up and put it around her gently. "Nightmare?"

"Uh-huh." She shot him a grateful look and pulled the blanket tighter, wiping at her eyes. They sat in silence for a while, Ahsoka calming down slowly and Kix having to stay with her until she did per Anakin's orders. "How is he?" She asked finally, she asked, sliding back down the wall to curl up amidst the pillows. They both knew who she meant.

"The infection has run it's course and the burns have healed over, but it's taken a lot out of him. Due to the burns on his shoulders and spine there's been some nerve damage, so he'll have to relearn to use his hands properly, but it will heal with time." Kix recited. Ahsoka blinked back tears again. They both knew that time was not their ally here.

"I miss him." She whispered. Kix shut his eyes tightly.

"I know, commander." He replied. Ahsoka laid her head against the pillow and closed her eyes. Kix took it as his cue to leave. She wasn't asleep, not by a long shot. In fact, she would probably end up in the bacta room before the sun rose.

Kix picked his way to the door and made his way back to his office. He flopped in his chair and poured himself yet another cup of caf. It was going to be a long night.

Rex fought the waves that threatened to sweep him under every minute. He found a rhythm; swim down the backs of the waves, dive under the swells. The water was freezing cold, and his chest hurt from repeatedly holding his breath almost to the point or passing out and from coughing up seawater.

He knew that there was light on the horizon. The warmth of the voice that he needed to get back to. He could almost see it at times before he was sucked under again and dragged back. He rose to the surface once again, coughing and spluttering.

He didn't know how long he was in the water. Hours... days... time felt like an illusion. He called on the force for strength, and it let him drag himself though the water. He was tiring though, and it felt like only a matter of time before he was lost to the waves.

A strike of lightning hit in the water nearby, sending a jolt though him that burned every fiber of his being. Rex gave a choked scream as his muscles spasmed and he dipped below the waves and got a lungful of water for it. He forced himself back up, black spots dancing in his vision as his head broke the surface. He gasped and coughed to force the water out of his lungs.

He powered on, swimming down the backside of yet another wave to give him momentum. Another wave slammed into him, and he was thrust under again, and again he clawed his way back up. He couldn't do this. He couldn't make it alone.

"Help..." he gasped at the light, so tantalizingly close yet so devastatingly far. He struggled again, but was dragged under.

Ahsoka started awake from her position asleep by Rex's bacta. She fought down a surge of anxiety. Today was the last day of bacta, for better or for worse. Kix had put another blanket around her, and left a tray of breakfast nearby.

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