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"Well?" Ahsoka asked, watching their new trainees as Fives enthusiastically instructed them on how to disable a tank. Dare she say it, taking on Cavalry had actually made him responsible. 

"They aren't shinies, that's for sure." He grunted. Fives pulled out some droid poppers and showed them off. He climbed the tank and tossed them in while doing some flashy acrobatics. Ahsoka rescinded her earlier observation. Not responsible. Not at all. He was after all, Fives. "But they'll do."

The rebels partnered up and began to attempt what Fives had showed them. Saw and Lux got the first charge in, and Lux leapt up to the top hatch to secure it too. He landed off-footed and slipped, taking Saw with him. The droid popper went off in his hand, sending blue sparks everywhere. 

"That Bonteri is no soldier." He grumbled. Ahsoka chuckled as Steela raced over to help him. 

"Rex, you have no competition from him. Anyone, really. I promise." She put a hand on his shoulder briefly before jogging over to make sure no one was seriously injured. She helped Saw too his feet and gave him a once over. Lux had broken his fall, so he was relatively unharmed. Steela was cleaning up the senator's son on a nearby rock. Ahsoka glanced over and met her gaze. Steela gave her a thumbs up. 

Lux stood and gave Ahsoka a wan smile. "Sorry, my foot slipped." Saw grumbled something, but a dig in the ribs from Steela shut him up. 

"Yes, tanks are very slippery." Ahsoka smiled. She looked at the other teams' progress. most had done some damage, a couple completely disabling the dummy tanks, but it looked like Lux and Saw's had been the worst accident. 

She moved to stand next to Rex again, who's expression was a sullen mask. She put a hand over the one gripping his cane in an iron grip. "I promise, if he tries anything you can snap his neck. But please keep in mind that he does respect you and your position, and trust him."

Rex huffed. "Yeah yeah, I'll play nice." He grumbled. Ahsoka turned to find Lux looking at her with raised eyebrows. She gave a little grin and nodded. Standing on tiptoe she brushed a kiss across Rex's cheek, then put a finger to her lips. Lux nodded. 

Rex blew out a long breath, stuffing his resentment away. "Alright. Now that you guys have got the gist of this skill, lets move on. Time is short and we need to cram as much into your heads as possible before the clankers come. Yes, they will come to you, and probably before you are completely prepared." The rebels muttered among themselves uneasily. The boy with the black eye that had fought Rex earlier spoke up. 

"Alright Captain, what's next?" 

Rex grinned. "Now, we learn to deal with the rollies."

The worst thing about Lux Bonteri, Rex decided, was just how hard it was to hate him. He had a senator's charisma alright. He also was good at disabling the droidakas, a tough skill to master at the best of times. He watched as, after being shown by Rex once, he managed to get it first try. 

"I played a lot of marbles as a kid. Same principle, really." He said sheepishly, rubbing at the back of his neck as Rex raised an eyebrow at him. He was working on showing Steela on how to throw the droid poppers. 

Ahsoka was working with Saw. He was struggling too, but with Ahsoka guiding his arm, one of his attempts went through the ray shield. Rex looked at all the other teams, and decided to go and help the black-eyed kid. 

"Like this, kid." Rex said, putting a hand on the rebel's shoulder. The poor guy nearly jumped out of his skin. 


Rex stabbed the cane into the ground so it stood upright and put his other hand on the guy's elbow. He showed him how to draw his arm back, and let it almost drop forward. The droid popper bounced off the shield. 

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