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Ahsoka didn't want to get up. Rex was asleep beside her and she didn't want to wake him up. He would tell her to leave again. She would have too. And it would probably kill her.

Obi-Wan was dead. Her master was destroyed. She had no one else to turn to. Rex stirred and opened his eyes. It was almost too much. She closed her eyes and clenched her jaw.

"You don't have to say it Rex." She whispered, getting up slowly. She would be crying if she had any tears left. "I'll go."

Rex wasn't expecting this. He sat up quickly. "Ahsoka?" She paused at the door. Rex stood and crossed over to her quickly. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "I'm not saying anything."

She hesitated, then hugged him back fiercely. "I love you." She muttered into his chest. Rex raised her chin gently so that she was looking him in the eyes. They stood like that for a few seconds, faces inches away. Then Rex kissed her. Soft and sweet at first, then he pulled away.

"I know." He whispered back, resting his forehead against hers. He kissed her again, much more fiercely this time. They had three days worth to make up for. There was a knock on Rex's door, and he growled something under his breath.

He opened the door to find a pale and exhausted Cody. He had a bundle of... blankets? No, it was two rolled up sets of robes. He gave one to Ahsoka and one to Rex. Rex was confused. He opened his mouth to ask a question, but Cody cut him off.

"Funeral is in an hour..." he sighed softly, closing his eyes. He looked so beaten down and tired, Rex's heart broke again for his brother. Rex put a hand on his ori'vod's shoulder.

"Are you going to be ok?" He asked softly. Cody grimaced.

"Do I have a choice?" He blew out a long breath and sagged against the doorframe.

"Treat the wound or let it kill you." Rex advised. "You can't always treat the big ones alone." Ahsoka disappeared into his 'fresher, leaving him alone with his brother. Cody gave a chuckle dryer than Jakku.

"When did you become so wise? Where did the shiny I met on Geo' go?" Rex moved and so he wasn't left standing in the door way. Cody staggered over and collapsed on his bunk, barely able to walk straight.

"He died with his brothers somewhere between Teth and the second battle of Felucia." Rex plopped down heavily next to him, leaning with his forearms on his knees.

"When you got the girl, am I right?" Cody raised an eyebrow at him. Rex groaned softly.

"Why does everyone seem to know? I think half the republic missed the part about it being a secret." He sat back against the wall and pouted. Cody laughed, a real laugh this time.

"I may be sleep deprived and grief stricken, but I'm not deaf. I'm pretty sure half the GAR heard her refer to you as her mate." Rex gave a pathetic groan and Cody slapped him on the shoulder. "Also, you told Fives of all people. What did you think would happen?"

"We were trapped in space and all suffering from carbon poisoning. I didn't exactly have my head on straight."

"I'm surprised that I didn't put two and two together when I saw you with Commander Tano. Did you know we almost thought we would have to cut your hands apart to bring you in? We thought you two had managed to get carbon-glued together." Cody's eyes glazed over as he reminisced. Rex winced, rubbing his left hand.

"Yeah, it almost felt like that when I woke up."

Ahsoka exited the 'fresher in long, draping traditional robes. They were a bit long, and she stumbled on the way out. Rex half stood and caught her, twirling her around and setting her in his lap. Cody's grin dimmed into a bittersweet smile.

"I'm going to let you two get ready. I... I'll see you soon." He levered himself up against the wall and staggered out of the room. Ahsoka hummed and curled up in his lap so her head leaned against his chest. Rex wrapped his arms around her protectively, a hand reaching up to stroke her lekku gently. She sighed, and they were content to sit like that for a few moments. Finally, Rex broke the comfortable silence.

"Cyare, we do need to get ready." He muttered against her montral. She sighed and squirmed out of his embrace.

"You mean you have to get ready. I'm already in my robes." She pulled the hem of it for emphasis. Rex shook his head.

"You honestly think I'll be able to find my way into this myself? I'd need a holomap just to get in it, never mind the folds and knots that make it stay up and wont leave me in my small clothes in front of the jedi council." He picked up his bundle and unrolled it, the many different pieces of homespun fabric tumbling to the floor. Ahsoka giggled and pulled her knees to her chest, curling into a ball in her little corner of the bed.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind that much, but that could be embarrassing for you."

Rex snorted. "I'm sure you wouldn't. Now how..." He picked up one of the bigger pieces. It was the cloak.

"Uh-uh. I wanna see you try first." Ahsoka grinned evilly, lifting the hem of her robes and sitting at his desk. Rex gave a long, suffering sigh.

Ahsoka was holding her cracked ribs and crying from a mixture if pain, hysteria, and actual amusement as she surveyed how Rex had put on the robes.

"Y...you look like a baby bantha." She snorted, choking on her own tongue. Rex gave her puppy eyes.


Ahsoka staggered to her feet and stumbled over to him. It took her a few seconds before she could even breath properly. She grabbed a corner if the robed and pulled, and all of his work to struggle into them fell to the floor in a heap.

She helped him into the long tunic and trousers, snickering still as she made painfully obvious which item of clothing went where.

"-and this," she shook the last piece at him. "is the cloak. You put it over your shoulders," she stood on tip toe and threw it over his head, kissing him gently on the cheek. "like this."

She sobered suddenly, remembering why they were in the robes in the first place. Rex put an arm around her gently as she took a shaking breath. "Ahsoka?" She took another breath and squeezed her eyes shut, trying desperately not to cry again. She gave a hiccuping sigh and a few tears escaped. Rex pulled her into his chest and held her there, rubbing her back to simply let her know he was there. Finally, the tears seemed to stem.

"C-come on." She sniffed and wiped her eyes on her sleeves. "W-we don't want to be late." Rex nodded and bent down to press a kiss on her forehead.


A/N - I'm so, so sorry for the lack of updates. Typing on a phone is hard. RotD: You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I'm quick when I'm thin and slow when I'm fat. The wind is my enemy.

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