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Rex was sitting in the cell as he awaited the transport to take him to Kamino. So far he had visitors from Fives, Cody, and Kix. He had given his armor to the first two to return to Ahsoka. Kix had his lightsaber, also going to Ahsoka. 

He stared at the ground beneath him, the cold durasteel flooring. His hands were unbound, but there was a short hobble chain between his ankle. He jumped back, startled, as the door opened. A pale and terrified Ahsoka stood in the doorway, breathing hard like she had run from the temple all the way to the detainment facility. 

They froze like that for a second until Rex opened his arms. She flew to them instantly with a choked sob. They sat like that for a few seconds, just holding the other tight. The silence was only broken by the occasional muffled sob from either of them. Rex hadn't cried when his brothers came. He hadn't cried when they said goodbye. But he cried now, clutching to the last bit of light that made life worth living. 

"Why, Rex?" She hiccuped into his shirt. "Why can't we just have a happy ending?" Rex shifted so her legs were slung out to his side and her head was cradled against his shoulder carefully. He kissed her gently, both of their faces streaked with tears. 

"I don't know about you," He whispered, pressing his forehead against hers. "But I've already found mine. I found it the day I married a certain feisty togruta." Ahsoka gave a wet laugh.

"You're such a sap. I love you." She murmured back, kissing him again. "I left the order." She said guiltily. Rex met her eyes. 

"Did you chew them out Ahsoka style?" He asked. More tears rolled down her cheeks, but she laughed anyways. He wiped them away with the pad of his thumb. 

"Yep. I also upheld my promise to Ventress." She said. Rex smiled and held her tighter. 

"That's my girl." He said, partly in humor and partly in awe. The door beeped and Thire stood awkwardly in the doorway.

"Time's up." He said gruffly. Ahsoka clung to Rex. 

"Please, don't make me go." She whispered. Thire hunched his shoulders.

"Your five minutes was up thirty minutes ago. I don't think-" 

"Please?" She begged. Thire was the softy of the Corascant guard. He sighed. 

"Five. That's it. I'm sorry, Commander." He left them alone. Rex turned back to Ahsoka, his face serious again. 

"Fives and Cody have my armor." He said urgently. "It's too modified for them to reuse, so I opted to have them give it to you instead of throwing it away. Kix has my lightsaber." He met her eyes, seeing the tears well up once more. "Hey." He said, cupping her chin to kiss her. "Don't cry for me. Ok? I swear on the force and any other binding oath, I'll find my way back to you." He promised. Ahsoka nodded and kissed him again. 

"I love you. Please don't make promises you can't keep." She whispered. Rex smile.

"Good thing I haven't. If I've learned anything from the time since I first met you, it's that you, Ahsoka Tano, are unforgettable." They held each other tight as the door opened once more. This time it was Fox.

"Alright lovebirds. Rex here has a one way trip to the reconditioning chamber in ten minutes so if it's convenient, get the hell out of my cell." He barked. Ahsoka kissed Rex one last time, and Fox lost it. He marched in and grabbed her by the armpits, hauling her off of him. He threw her out into the hall and marched away. Fives was waiting there, a pack slung over his shoulder.

"Commander." He said softly, helping her to her feet and looking her up and down before pulling her into a hug. Ahsoka stiffened, but relaxed into her friend's embrace. Her sensitive montrals picked up the hiss of the cell detaching from the compound to be attached to a transport. 

"He's gone, Fives." She whispered into his chest plate. Fives pressed his lips together. 

"I know."


After a lot of tears and goodbyes from the 501st barracks, it was late. Ahsoka trekked through the underbelly of Corascant, datapad in hand and backpack over her shoulder. Rex's lightsaber hung at her belt as she found the apartment that Ventress lived in. She knocked, hoping the dathomirian was home. 

She was. Home and grumpier than usual. She glared at Ahsoka. "Whaddaya want?" She snapped. Ahsoka held out the datapad. 

"My end of the deal, as promised." She said softly. Ventress scowled.

"So that's it? It's just going back to the way things were." The ex-sith asked tersely. Ahsoka pressed her lips together.

"Rex gave his life that I might walk out of this. I've left the order. Nothing will ever be the same." She shivered slightly. Ventress rolled her eyes. 

"Let me guess. You need a place to stay so you came here." She sighed and opened the door wider to let Ahsoka in. Ventress gave a sad smile. 

"Stay as long as you like. I'm not here most of the time, and I might as well have somebody living in it if I'm paying rent. But you have to get a job and help with the bills, if I let you stay." Ventress sighed. Ahsoka nodded.

"I would expect nothing less. Thank you." She smiled. Ventress grimaced. 

"I suppose it's the least I owe you." She sighed. "You can sleep on the couch until I manage to scrap together the credits to buy another bed." Ahsoka said nothing, just pulled out her credit pouch and the one Anakin had given R-... Her husband so long ago. She passed it to Asajj. The ex-sith gave the money a cursory examination. "That would help, I guess." She sighed. "Just go get yourself situated and please for the love of force don't make a mess."

Ahsoka set her bags down and plopped down on the hard couch. She busied herself in getting her and his stuff sorted out. She couldn't bear to look at the helmet. It was too much. She stuffed it at the bottom of his bag. The next item was his beskar wedding bracer, still polished to perfection in typical clone style. She sniffed as the tears hit the mirror like surface. This was too much. All to much. She pulled out one of his shirts and hugged it tight against her chest, breathing in the scent of GAR soap and deodorant, mixed with the smell of aluminum and carbon that seemed to cling to him. 

She fell asleep with the garment pressed up against her face and wet from tears. 

Not a few hours after she passed out, she woke up to agony. She let out a pained whine and lurched, falling off of the couch. Her head swam with pain and a black emptiness that she had never known. 

She knew it as clear as day. He was gone. The force bond had broken, and she was dealing with the backlash. She heard a distant clamor and Ventress was there, her white skin pale as she tried to figure out what was going on with her new roommate. As the pain began to recede, Ahsoka looked up at the other woman. 

"It's done. Captain Rex is dead." She gasped, before going limp as everything went black.

A/N -... It's over. Cyare is over. This is not the final book, mind, the final  book of this trilogy will be out soon. It is called Cejanr. Whelp, with that lovely cliffhanger I leave you, good luck. It will take a while to get Cejanr set up, so you guys have anywhere from three days to a week to stress about it!! Isn't that great?! Seriously, you guys are awesome. Thank you, those of you who stuck out through everything. Bad grammar, questionable plot choices, everything. I promise it will all come full circle soon enough. And with that, I leave you with the end of Cyare.

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