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The first thing Ahsoka was aware of was pain. Her head was pounding and her left arm was smushed in an awkward angle at her side. There was something pining the lower half of her body down. She opened her eyes, everything fuzzy at first before snapping into crystalline focus. The first thing that she saw was Rex thrown across her lap and surrounded by a scary pool of blood.

His face was pale and his skin was clammy. Ahsoka levered herself up with her good arm, but fell back as the room started to spin. Black spots danced through her vision and she had to swallow back a sudden nausea. She gritted her teeth and started again, using the wall behind her. Her head throbbed and her arm burned. She blacked out twice before she was breathing hard and laying back against the wall.

She brushed a hand across Rex's face and he gave a small groan. The back of his head was the origin of the blood, she found. His pulse was weak and thready and his breaths rattled in his chest. Ahsoka examined her own injuries. Her arm was dislocated, but she didn't think it was broken. She had to find a way to get help though. She pressed on her commlink, relieved when it blinked on.

"Ahsoka! I've been trying to contact you forever! Where are you?" Anakin's voice crackled over the comm.

"Bugged...bomb...Rex's room... hurry. It's bad." She croaked out, her voice scratchy and her head throbbing even harder with the noise. Crusty dried blood she hadn't noticed before flaked off and itched as she spoke. She raised her good hand to her lips. The entire lower half of her face was covered in blood. Nosebleed, from the concussion blast.

Anakin didn't respond and she was beginning to doubt that he had heard her when the door slammed open. Anakin and Kix rushed in, and pausing only a second to look at the devastation. Kix got to Rex first, picking him up and pulling him onto a hover stretcher that Anakin pulled into the room. Ahsoka saw the cut on his head, and the nausea returned with a vengeance.

"Can you walk?" Anakin asked as Kix took off with the stretcher. It took Ahsoka a second to process what he said. Before she could answer, Anakin just picked her up bridal style.

He carried her to the medical ward and set her down. Two clone doctors she didn't recognize swarmed her. Her head hurt, and she just wanted to sleep. They wouldn't let her though. She barely felt it when they put her arm back in place. She felt like she was floating, barely connected to her body.

"Try and stay awake snips, ok? You can sleep later." Anakin whispered, rubbing her back soothingly. One of the medics looked under her eyelids.

"She's concussed sir. I recommend..." Ahsoka stopped listening as she caught sight of a little blinky thing on her wrist. Thinking was hard. Could she go to sleep yet? Another thought drifted through her mind dimly.

"Where is Mate?" She asked, looking into the worried face of her master. Anakin frowned.

"What is it, snips?" Anakin asked, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. Ahsoka started to ask again, then stopped. Why didn't they understand the first time? Oh. They're human. They speak basic. Did she speak basic? She struggled to remember. It was hard and her head hurt.

"Mate?" She managed, looking around. Anakin nodded, understanding.

"He's in surgery... er... getting his head fixed." He fumbled, trying to explain.

"Owie?" She asked, tilting her head. It made it hurt again.

"Yes. Rex has an owie." He said patiently. Ahsoka touched her own head and winced.

"Owie." She screwed her face up. Anakin helped her lay down.

"Yeah, you got an owie too."

"Sir, CT 7567 is out of surgery and has been stabilized. We can now work on the Commander." A medic said. Anakin nodded.

"Ok. You can sleep now, 'Soka." Anakin said, brushing her eyelids shut. She went out like a light.

"Sir?" The medic continued, Anakin turned back to him.

"Yes?" Anakin sighed, giving his full attention.

"CT 7568-"

"Rex." Anakin interrupted.

"Sorry, Rex, has suffered extensive damage to his inhibitor chip. We had to remove it to prevent extensive damage to his prefrontal cortex."

Anakin hesitates. "So what are you saying?" Ahsoka was taken back to surgery.

"I'm saying... that he may not be the same Rex you knew. Brain injuries are tricky." Anakin blew out a long breath.

"And my padawan?"

"She should be fine. We can drain the excess blood from her brain to prevent bruising, other than that, bed rest for the both of them. No lifting anything heavier than convor." He prescribed. Anakin laughed.

"Good luck with that." The medic raised an eyebrow. "Just keep their beds next to each other and you might not have too many issues." He advised. The medic nodded, understanding.

"Yessir." He saluted with a grin.

When Ahsoka opened her eyes, her head was throbbing. Not near as badly as the first time though, and she could think much better. She sat up slowly. No fuzzy vision. No black spots, and her dinner was content to stay in her stomach this time around.

Looking around, she realized she was in the temple infirmary. Something still felt off, but it was forgotten when she saw Rex was asleep right next to her, their beds only a foot apart. She reached across and ran a hand down his cheek gently. His eyes fluttered open and stared at her.

"Rex?" She asked softly. Her fiance frowned.

"Who's Rex?"

Ahsoka's heart stopped. She opened her mouth, closed it, and burst into tears. Rex laughed, and gave her a lopsided grin. She shoved him gently in the chest.

"Not funny you arse." Rex laughed harder and winced, putting a hand to the bacta patch on his temple. Ahsoka couldn't stop the flow of tears, and Rex sat up too, reaching across the gap between the beds to wipe them away.

"I'm sorry, Ahsoka. I was only kidding." He slid over to the edge of the bed so he was pressed up against the guard and opened his arms. Ahsoka crawled across and into them, sniffing. Rex reached a hand up and stroked her montrals gently. Ahsoka froze, the feeling of wrongness finally gaining a name and becoming a horrible realization.

"Ahsoka? What's wrong Cyare?" Rex asked, seeing the panic on her face.

"My montrals." She whispered. "I can't feel anything." She looked at him with her big blue eyes, still swimming with tears.

"I can't echolocate."

Cyare (A Rexsoka SWTCW Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now