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For the first time since she learned of her headblindness, it felt like Ahsoka could think without a thick fleece covering her mind. She still had a hard time balancing, and Rex had to help her a lot to keep her from falling over.

Her head ached, a heavy and bruised pressure that shifted in her montrals. Her chest was a fierce harmony of pain, hurting to even so much as take a deep breath. Rex seemed fairly healthy, but he was forced to stay in bed like she was.

It was late. Almost early in the morning by galactic standards. Corascant was as quiet as it was possible for it to get, the last of the late night partygoers hitting the hay. She couldn't sleep. She had done enough of that for the last week. She rolled over to see Rex awake in his own bed, his gold eyes glittering in the dim light as they roamed over the ceiling.

"What are you thinking about?" Ahsoka whispered. Rex gave a start, and turned to look at her.

"You should be asleep." He admonished. Ahsoka made a face.

"I've been asleep. You didn't answer my question. What's going on?"

Rex looked back up to the ceiling, and was silent for a long, long time. Just as Ahsoka was about to repeat herself, he answered.

"309." He wrinkled his nose.


"Tiles on the ceiling. 309. It really bugs me. I want to add just one more to make it a perfect ten."

Ahsoka gave a sharp laugh. The jerky motion hurt her chest, but she didn't care. Kix would come in a few hours and give her more medicine that locked her away in a quiet and shadowy world. She could stand the pain if it meant being able to think clearly.

"I didn't think you had OCD about that kinda thing." She whispered, stretching her arms as much as her broken bones would allow.

"Normally I don't. Being locked away in a white walled room all by my self might have something to do with it." He said without thinking, then looked over at her out of the corner of his eyes. "No offense, Ahsoka."

"None taken." She sighed bitterly. "I should be the one saying sorry, not you." She glared at the ceiling.

"Don't be sorry. You're in pain and healing. I wouldn't ask you to stay awake for that kind of torture just because I'm lonely." Rex flipped onto his side to stare at her earnestly. "How do you-"

"Please," she cut him off with a long suffering glare. "I'm sick of answering that question. I feel the same as I did ten hours ago. At least now I can think clearly." Rex nodded.

"Ok. I get it."

Ahsoka closed her eyes. "Sorry. I didn't mean to snap. It's just..." she trailed off, searching for words.

"You're injured, not made of ice. You're sick of people treating you like you're gonna break with every word." He blew out a breath. "I know the feeling."

They sat like that for a while in comfortable silence. After a coupe minutes, Rex looked over to see if she had fallen back asleep. She hadn't. She was studying him intently.

"'Soka?" He asked, jolting her out of her memories. "What are you thinking about." She hummed quietly, she pulled herself shakily into a half sitting position. Rex did the same.

"The trandoshan jungle." She finally replied.

"What about it?" Rex frowned.

"Our first kiss outside the tree cave." She replied. "And before that, when I was jealous of Kalifa and how you deferred to her in the jungle." She huffed a mixture between a laugh and a bitter sigh. "Silly, I know. She was the veteran so therefore we listened to her advise."

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