Chapter 1

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Aelia's pov


"Good Morning Gorgeous" he whispered, his lips pressed against my ear and I mentally cringed for some reason

"Good Morning" I faked a smile

"You've got a long day today, you should get up and get started. I'll tell Jax to start breakfast"

"Sounds good" I smiled as the man rolled off the bed and landed on his feet, he pulled his t shirt from the chair and pulled it over his broad chest before heading out the room

"Why did I agree to this Buddy?" I asked

The fluf ball leaped onto the bed and he placed his head on my lap over the covers. I sighed and ran a hand over the Siberian husky's ear

"Atleast I'll get to see Zack and Mia soon right?" I chuckled

Here I was, talking to my dog. Like a crazy person, maybe a part of me thought he'd magically grow vocal cords and talk back. I groaned and leaned my head against the bed head. The exhaustion flowed through my nostrils

Tired. That's one word to describe how I felt. I barley got three hours sleep for this week. I finally came back home last night after being on tour for five months.

I'm sure my parents were hoping to see me today. Maybe I'll check them out for a couple minutes if management allows me.

Oh? Are you confused?

Well after highschool, I joined college for Atleast four years to attain my business degree. One day -when I was slaving myself away in my dorm at 1am with a book and a torchlight in the dark- I remembered having Lauren's number.

I don't know what took over me but I decided to text her. She quickly responded and she met up at a café to talk about random stuff.

It was actually nice having someone to talk to that would understand what I was going through. Mia and Zack were off to college in Chicago, Lex received a scholarship to study chemistry but we weren't that close and no one's ever heard back from Maddy. It was so weird but her parents assured that she was happy with her new school. Dani was soon coming back from the Academy.

It's been five years since we've all seen each other. Five years since we've even spoken a word. Graduation was our line.

The day we threw our red caps to the bright blue sky was the day the gay's were no longer a pact. Everyone had different views on how Luna and I ended.

I was a mess. A heat of fucking mess. It felt like shards of glass was stuck in my heart for two years. And thankfully Lauren understood that.

Loss. Heartbreak. Every vein in by body consumed by pain. Lauren was a friend to talk to and she was nothing but understanding.

We talked for hours until she brought up her idea of staring a music company. Lauren kept going on about how amazing it would be and I supported her all the way.

Then she asked me to sign to her company. It changed my life forever.

I never knew how good I really was, only... Luna made me feel like I was talented for singing.

But that night when I was in the studio changed my views. Tears ran down my cheek, my heart ached so terribly bad. All my pain was poured into my music that day. Lauren loved it and made it into an album.

The day it was released, my name was trending. The feeling was overwhelming, crazy perhaps.
The feeling was quite astonishing, when you claw your way out of the mire of dysfunction. The support left my mouth dry. Within the first hour, we sold five thousand albums.

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