Chapter 105

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Luna's pov


"Where the hell is he" I muttered under my breath

You can feel it, building like an unstoppable snowball in the pit of your stomach. I cannot concentrate on anything else that I'm doing. The next step is my heart starting to beat harder and faster, adrenaline levels rise, my arms try and crawl up inside my body and my brain starts to fire out negative thoughts like a machine gun.

"Luna? You okay sweetheart?" A voice said, but I couldn't move an inch

I stood there frozen, my eyes still piercing into the empty kitchen where he should have been. It was too much to focus on

"Luna?" My father asked again

I could tell that everyone was standing behind him except for Aelia who was still in my room where I told her to stay

My brows seemed to stitch together with my body still paralyzed in realization

As sweat starts to happen all over the body. It felt like my skin had another hot skin on the outside, like a bin bag, it moved over my body and never released. The negative thoughts keep coming like waves on rocks.

Mark was a healer. Although he didn't have demon blood running in his veins, he still managed to have almost the same powers as I had. Which could only mean a few things. He was going to reverse what I've done to my mother or he was here to finish the job.

Raising hell in hell.

In my mind, I was pacing or moving around irrationally. The arguments in my head get so fast and so disturbing that my brain wanted to shut down my body. The sweat had completely covered my body and my heart feels like it's going to explode

For if Mark wasn't in this kitchen, then he was already with his wife.

That's when the real panic came, my heart sunk into my chest as my neck snapped in the direction of my father who had a confused look on his face

"He's back" I said breathlessly

Lucifer's crossed arms fell to the side of his body as his eyes met mine, immediately knowing exactly who I was talking about

"Who- who's back?" Mia asked

Lucifer's jaw clenched and grinded against each other as his head bowed to the ground

"Dani, you need to get them out of here" I said sternly

"I'm not leaving you alone here. Not again Luna" She hissed

"Can someone please tell me what's going on? And where the hell is Zack?" Ryan asked

The crushing pain in my chest returned upon hearing Zack's name. He was missing from the group

"Can someone please expl-"

"You all need to leave" Lucifer said

"Where? I don't understan-"

"Lex. Take them far away from here. And go get Aelia" I said

The blonde girl nodded, understanding exactly what was going on. The silence between us felt heavy, Lucifer's fists clenched tightly as he started to walk towards me

"I'm coming" Maddy said

"And I'm coming too" Dani spat

"I don't want anything happening to you two" I said sternly

"We don't care. You're not going through this again Luna, you have us" Dani said

"He's my father, he tried to kill me. There's no way I'm backing down from this" Maddy spat

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