Chapter 49

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Luna's pov


"Are you okay?" her soft angelic voice question

"I'm great" I smiled shyly

"Are you sure? You don't seem okay" Aelia mumbled as she sunk into her seat

Here we were again, first place. Exactly the way I remembered it, as if it was just a few weeks ago.

My heart continued to race as my eyes scanned over every inch of the plane, it reminded me of everything and I hated it. I hated seeing this. It was bringing out this weird spiriling emotion within me that I couldn't seem to control. Every inch of me ached with pain, my heart pounded against my chest, my throat felt tight everytime I saw something familiar, my stomach swarmed with bad butterflies.

"I'm not sure, I just feel off" I mumbled

A soft kiss from her lips was placed on the side of my head, it eased my anxiety a bit. I smiled and leaned my head against the seat.

"Is there anything you want? I can get you some wine or-"

"You're beautiful" I muttered

"Oh-" Aelia blushed deeply, I chuckled softly when her face turned red. After years, she still managed to react the exact same way as the first

"I love you" I whispered

"I love you" Aelia smiled and pressed another kiss on my cheek.

Suddenly an annoying ass voice that sounded like a dying fly in the middle of a war surrounded by lava and sheeps came from the front

"Ugh y'all are disgustingly cute, I wanna throw up but I wanna be the officiant at the wedding" Dani groaned, her head suddenly peaked up from the front of the compartment

"I'm pretty sure you won't be marrying us off, I have the perfect person in line" Aelia smiled, causing me to snap my head towards her

"So that means I'll be the simple best woman?! What kinda fuckery is this?!" Dani hissed, Aelia laughed at the girl

"I'm sorry but it's already been planned out" Aelia smiled. I furrowed my brows and allowed my eyes to trail over her face

I glanced at her rounded face, slightly lighter than ivory with a rose coloured tint to her cheeks. Her small green eyes that were lively, warm, and sparkled with bliss when she smiled. When she was sorrowful her eyes seemed to grow dim and dark.

Her smooth blonde hair with soft curls fell just past her dimpled chin. Her pink, slight, buttoned nose that was just above her delicate lips that always had a faint smile. I exhaled deeply as I took in every inch of the girl I was hopelessly in love with.

Aelia Green captured the heart of the devil's daughter. Aelia Green was the reason I was weak. Aelia Green was the reason for my happiness and I'll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to her.

"Luna, LUNA" Aelia waved her hands in front of my face, pulling me out my trance

"Mhm? What?" I questioned

"You zoned out there" she chuckled

"Sorry, I was too busy thinking about you" I chuckled and brought the glass of water to my lips

"Oh-" she blushed again

"You're so fucking cute when you blush, my heart can't handle it" I squealed

"My heart can't handle anything you do" Aelia chuckled and shook her head

"BOORRRIINNGGG, damn this plane ride needs to upgrade their shit" Dani groaned

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