Chapter 10

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Narrator's pov


In the coffee shop, sat awkward lovers, pretending to be there of convenience, afraid of their own need to connect to one another.

A cafe was one of the most stereotypical place to find love again first sight. A simple glance, the graze of your fingers against each other when reaching to grab a cup of coffee, the soft brown aroma.

It had a soft element to it, that's why strangers usually stayed, in hopes of seeing the love of their life walk through that door.

During the day, the cafe was the colour of supermarket oranges, it had that shiny look, and the jazz poured out of the open doors along with the aroma of fresh baked lasagne.

But now that it's almost tomorrow and the light of the day has been replaced by the unrelenting blackness of night, the frontage is as grey as the smooth concrete sidewalk at the crowd's feet.

Aelia took in a deep breath, sucking in the air that carried a hint of dampness and lacked the heavy pollution of the day traffic. It could almost be another season in another place.

The girl was confident on stage, two years of singing but she grew nervous today, perhaps it was because she was performing in front of her family and friends. Or maybe because she was afraid of them seeing how she reacted to a specific song.

"I can't thank you enough for coming out tonight" a voice said, Aelia turned her head in the direction of the man

"No problem Steve, I should actually be thanking you for doing all of this" Aelia said to the owner of the building

"Your parents helped me when I was at my lowest, you also helped me through my struggles a few years ago. I swear if you weren't a singer, you'd be an excellent Lawyer" he chuckled
"The least I could have done was establish this building in your name since you're the reason it's even here in the first place"

"You're so sweet Steve" she giggled at the elderly man

"Whenever you're in town, just stop by and have anything on the house" he said

"I'll be sure to hold you to that offer. You'll regret it" she smiled

"Get her mic check!" Jeff yelled from afar

A crew members immediately ran towards the singer, her fingers adjusted the small mic around Aelia's ear that led to the base of her lips.

"I'll leave you too it" Steve smiled sweetly

"See you after the show Steve" Aelia said, the man smiled sweetly before walking away

"Aelia Green!" a voice screamed, Aelia's eyes darted in the corner to see twin girls waving aggressively at her. The woman chuckled and made her way over

"Oh my God she's coming this way!" One of the girl's said

"Hey there" Aelia smiled sweetly

"Holy shit. Hi! Um, my name is Julia and this my sister Angel" the brown hair girl said

"Hi, We're such huge fans" Angel said

"Thank you so much" Aelia chuckled

"I don't know if you remember but-"

"Yes I remember you, I gave you two all of my stuffed teddy bears at the pier. You're all grown up now" Aelia smiled

"Oh my God she remembers me" Julia gasped

"Ofcourse I do, I never forget a face" Aelia smiled

"Can we get your autograph?" Angel asked as she held out a poster of Aelia's face. The woman smiled and grabbed the marker

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