Chapter 92

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Narrator's pov


It was normal to feel lost, It was normal to feel weak, it was normal to lose yourself in a kiss especially when it's from the right person. The person you want. The person you need for the rest of your life.

Because with the right person, every kiss felt like the first.

So that's why Aelia felt her knees go weak when her lips pressed against Luna's. The girl she'd always had it out for

The girl that came into her life in the middle of nowhere and made her do a full 'U' turn in her choices and what she truly wanted

Luna made the girl question everything without even saying hi

Kinda like my sexuality when some drag queens transform into some high class looking princesses

It's a very confusing time.

But Luna knew exactly how the girl felt about her and Aelia knew exactly how her girlfriend felt about her too

So there they stood, in the same spot as we left off in the previous chapter.

Luna's arms on her waist and Aelia's arms around her neck, their lips trapped between each other in a kiss that showed compassion, a kiss that made the brunette know how much Aelia truly appreciated everything she's done and everything she continued to achieve

But she also wanted Luna to know that she was happy with everything they already were, they were in a good place with an amazing life. She wanted Luna to know that she didn't even need to try, for she'd always be grateful, for she'd always be thankful to even have the girl in her life

It was taking all of the energy without herself to pull away, but she had to enjoy the rest of her night without locking lips with the girl

Okay... We know that's not possible but we'll give her 'A' for effort

"Thank you. Thank you so much" Aelia whispered as she pulled away

"You don't have to sa-" Luna was cut off by the blonde placing a finger over her lips to hush her up

Damn mami

"Shh" Aelia shush

The gays that stood behind them couldn't help but laugh, they weren't accustomed to seeing Aelia in control but they were having a ball of a time

"You are literally the most sweetest, incredibly beautiful and compassionate woman I've ever met. Not my mention sexy" Aelia whispered the end with a smirk on her face

But the gays heard and made them laugh even louder when Luna send a playful glare their way

"And for that, I'm incredibly thankful for you in my life. You chose to be there, you chose me and that makes me the luckiest person in the world.. And hell" Aelia chuckled

"Facts" Luna mumbled from her covered lips causing the blonde to giggle

"I honestly can't believe you did this, do you have any goddamned idea how fucking sweet you are? Like, I can't handle it sometimes. You made my heart want to explode" Aelia chuckled

"That's so cute" Mia squealed

"There's so many more things I want to say to you Luna but I really want to start this party with you and have my prom experience right here right now. So with that, my last words are. Thank you" Aelia said sternly, her green orbs stared into those

She slowly removed her fingers from Luna's lips, only to be greeted by a peck on her own, it happened way too quickly that it left her stunned. Luna chuckled and intertwined their fingers, heading in the direction to meet everyone else

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