Chapter 26

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Narrator's pov


Green burned into green, eyes that reminded her of the love she once had, the love that made her dizzy, the kind of love that comes once in a lifetime.

A small smile etched across her face as she stared at the girl on the other end of the seat since Leo was situated between them.

They were on their way to the interview Aelia was already late for, she knew Jeff would chew her head off when she got there but it was worth it.

Luna's eyes darkened as she bit her lip. Since they've entered the car, there's been an intense tension and staring competition between the two girls that everyone seemed to notice.

Unfortunately Leo's dumbass was sitting between them to even notice the little smiles and intense gaze between the two Exs.

"What was the academy like?" Leo asked

"B- Negative blood for breakfast, lunch and dinner" Dani groaned

"Must have been hard" Ryan said as if it was a common answer from a friend, SMH.

"I heard that Lucifer built a city downtown, is it true?" Zack asked the demon

"Yep, I'm thinking about putting in an lgbt center, a club and an entire fucking school just for the gay's because what we can't have on earth we'll have in hell" Luna smiled before returning her gaze towards Aelia, the blonde hair girl's cheek stained red

"Can we visit?"

"Hell yeah you can"

"Let's go right nowww"

"Did everyone suddenly forget about Aelia's interview?" Lex chuckled

"Hmm, lemme see. Hell or earth's version of hell?... Decisions Decisions.." Zack said

"The only hell on earth I know of was highschool" Mia groaned

"Remember when we won nationals? St Mary's academy was hella pissed, especially when Luna and Aelia kissed right in front of their pastor" Zack laughed. The blush on Aelia's cheek darkened

"Remember when Luna got food poisoning And Taylor literally brought demons the next day to cook for the humans"

"No wonder Medusa thought you were planning something. You brought a whole clan of demons to earth" Maddy laughed

"In my defense, the only evil thing they could do is hide the cookies from me" Luna pouted

"Oh my God, remember that one time I found Mia and Dani fucking in the closet?!" Lex yelled

"EWWWW stoooopppp"

"And in the parking lot-"

"I said stoopp"

"And the art ro-"


"You know, I really missed you guys" Lex chuckled

"Whatever happened to us after highschool?"

"We texted alot until the conversation started to die out, Aelia wasn't in a good head space-" Zack mumbled and glanced in her direction

The blonde girl felt a sharp pain to the lungs, memories of the dark place she was in came flooding back. She knew Luna's reason for leaving but it still hurted, years of neglecting, years of crying, it just doesn't go away so easily.

Aelia peeled her eyes away from the brown hair girl and leaned her head against the glass car window. Sadness crept up her muscles, Luna furrowed her brows at the girl but remained in her position.

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