Chapter 17

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Narrator's pov


"Luna... I'm so sorry" Aelia whispered, her eyes locked with the demon

"I'm so so sorry for what happened. Oh my God" Aelia whispered, her hands engulfed the girl, a small bright flash was seen but she didn't care. She needed to be here for the girl

She wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, gently rubbing her arm. Despite the heaviness in her stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of her body pressed against Luna's.

She sunk into the warmth of her side, appreciative of the simple gesture. Her touch made the room warmer somehow, Aelia's future within its walls seemed a little less bleak.

It wasn't the hug of gentle arms that still gave the space to breathe, it was the hug of strong arms that told everything that your are - body, brain and soul - that they are with you.

They pulled away after a few minutes, the warmth of their bodies separated and immediately felt cold, untouched. Aelia cleared her throat

"I should, get back over there" she whispered before heading back to her seat across the girl

"It's alot to take in" Luna mumbled

"It's crazy for me, but I can't imagine what you must have felt" Aelia said

"Story haven't ended yet Aelia" Luna chuckled

"Right, yes go ahead" Aelia said

"Turns out I'm actually half angel half demon" Luna giggled

"I'm sorry, what?"

"It means I'm more powerful than my father" Luna whispered, Aelia's eyes went wide

"This is... Alot to take in" Aelia chuckled

"Wait till you find out what happens after I broke up with you" Luna said

"Do tell"

"I gave Maddy her powers back but the pain knocked her out for a while, Medusa thought she was dead and it started a war between us. She threatened to turn my father into ashes, I got so heated that it unlocked an element within me that I didn't know I had. It turned some of my wings white and now anytime I use my powers, my veins turn white" Luna said

"Wow... Um... I really don't know what to say" Aelia said with wide eyes

"We had a battle in the castle. Which I won, duh" Luna smirked

"Ofcourse you did" Aelia chuckled

"I took her powers.. And her wings" Luna whispered

"You what?"

"I ripped her damn wings out of her back" Luna chuckled

"Doesn't that use alot of energy?"

"Taking her powers took energy, it drained every part of me for years" Luna said

"How.. How many years?"


"What the fuck? You were recovering for five years?!" Aelia said

"Woke up last week" Luna chuckled, Aelia's eyes went wide

"What the hell are you doing on earth if you only woke up lastweek?!" Aelia said

Luna sighed, her fingers reached over and intertwined with Aelia's from across the table. Aelia's swallowed a lump in her throat when their skins touched, a deep electric sensation came from the center of her palm that increased with each stroke of Luna's thumb

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