Chapter 30

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Aelia's pov


I swear to God I have some crazy, sadistic and wild ass friends that escaped from the zoo with the rest of the Madagascar cast.

"Don't you dare touch me!" Dani hissed at the security guard

"Oh no" I mumbled

"You should listen to her, the girl would suck you dry, and not in the way you're thinking" Zack said to the man, the guard furrowed his brows and stepped back from Dani

"What is happening right now?" I chuckled to myself

"This is what happens when you have a bunch of blunt gays on a TV show, especially when they're starving" Luna said as she turned to face me

We were still on the couch, the host had fled the scene and the producers chased after him after his hair was 'magically' set on fire. I couldn't help but laugh.

Luna's thumb stroked my palm and sent shocking waves through my veins, I shutted my eyes tightly and allowed the sensation to engulf me, missing this feeling, missing her touch.

"We should go grab something to eat after this, everyone's starving" she said

"Pizza?" I asked

"Ugh God yes, pizza" Luna groaned

"Haven't had it in a while huh?" I chuckled

"I missed the triangular slice of heaven" Luna pouted, I chuckled at her

"Did you really tickled Justin's balls?" I asked

"Maybe" she answered with a smirk, I tilted my head back and laughed

"I should go check on him" I chuckled

"Noo" she mumbled, I raised my brow at her


"Stay here" she mumbled and nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck, I chuckled and intertwined her fingers with mine once again, her hot breath on my skin caused goosebumps

"You're so cute" I whispered

"If I'm so cute then you wouldn't have a problem staying here with me for a few more seconds" she said. I chuckled and glanced around

A few audience members were still left in the crowd, everyone flead after Zack talked about his grandma taking dick-

"Aelia" Luna mumbled

"Yes?" I asked

"I really missed you" she whispered, I felt my heart swell in my chest as a smile tugged across my lips

"I missed you too" I mumbled

"I'm really tired" she said

"Of what?"

"Everything. Like... Why did this had to happen to me?" she said, a stinging pain rain through my body

"Life is unpredictable" I mumbled

"Yeah but what the heck did I do to deserve it? I'm a good person aren't I?" she asked

"Yes" I answered without hesitation

"Then why did I have to lose the greatest thing in my life" she mumbled, her eyes locked with mine

"What's that?" I whispered, my eyes darted down to her lips as I bit mine

"Are you serious right now? YOU Aelia, you're the greatest thing in my life" she muttered, a smile tugged across my lips as I shook my head

"I'm sorry, you really didn't deserve everything that happened to you. You're the sweetest, most considerate and generous person I know, it's so fucked up what happened and it pisses me off everyday to know there's people so evil that exist in this universe. Someone that wants to ruin another person's life for their own pleasure, it's so messed up. You've been through pain Luna, you've seen everyone you love almost die, that's not something a person could easily forget about. You're bruised, you need to heal. You almost lost your father, your sister, you almost lost yourself and to top it off.... I was lost along with them. I'm so sorry that this is the world you came back to, you deserve so much more than this. She placed you in an impossible decision, you had to choose between two people you love and believe me, I hold nothing against you for choosing your father. You did what you had to do to protect the person you love, especially when he was suffering in so much pain. The good thing is, everyone's okay now. But that's because of you Luna, they're all here because of you. You need to feel proud about that Luna, you risked your own life to save everyone else and you did it successfully. The woman that caused this is locked away and your family is safe.... And I'm here with you" I whispered, tears threatened to fall from the rim of my eyes.

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