Chapter 37

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A moment of silence for a Queen 💔 rest in peace Naya

A moment of silence for a Queen 💔 rest in peace Naya

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Narrator's pov

"What?" Luna asked in disbelief, Aelia giggled and cupped the girl's cheek

"I said yes, dumbass" Aelia smiled

"Was it really that easy?" Luna laughed

"You made it really hard, so no" Aelia giggled

"I made it hard?" Luna smirked, Aelia rolled her eyes

"Stop your perverted mind" she glared

Luna chuckled and wrapped her arms around Aelia's back, scooping the girl into her arms. Aelia squealed when Luna lifted her bridal style, her hands wrapped around the demon's neck

"I got my girl backk" Luna yelled

"Shhh, you're gonna wake me neighbours" Aelia giggled

"So what?! Let them hear!" Luna yelled

"Oh my God" Aelia groaned and buried her face into the girl's neck

"AELIA GREEN IS ALL MINEEE" Luna yelled loudly

"Luna shhh" Aelia giggled

"I'm never letting you go again, you know that right?" Luna said

"And I'm never letting you slip away" Aelia whispered

"What's gonna happen with your marriage?" Luna asked

Ah yes, the question she dreaded the most. The consequences that followed were going to be hard, but she was ready to deal with it.

"Let's just focus on us right now, I just wanna enjoy this moment with you" Aelia whispered, her hands cupped the girl's cheek and brought her face towards hers

Their lips connected in a soft kiss, a spark ignited within that was never there, the feeling travelled from their lips and tingled all the way down to the pit of their stomach. Luna captured the girl's bottom lip between hers, Aelia almost moaned against the girl's mouth, enjoying the taste and feeling of their lips together.

Her kiss steeped in a passion that ignited. It was the promise of realness, of the primal desire that lives in us all. And with it she told Luna that she was awake, connected within, that she embraced herself rather than hide as a copy of those romantic idols. Luna was the first to pull away, panting for breath.

"You really did all of this?" Aelia whispered as her eyes glanced around

"Yop" Luna smiled

"You're so romantic" Aelia giggled

"Thank you, I pride myself in it" Luna smirked

"I'm serious, this is so fucking sweet. I literally melted when I saw it" Aelia giggled

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