Chapter 51

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*Trigger warning, I'm not sure what the trigger is but if you're easily scared by creepy things then be careful reading below*

*Second trigger warning, panic attack and blood*

Luna's pov


Her silver eyes glowed under the dark room, it was the only thing giving off any light. My hands scambled around in search of a wall or anything to brace onto.

I had no idea if I was in a small space but my heart started to clench. My breathing somehow started to become shorter with each inhale, my chest heaved heavily and my bottom lip quivered. I felt tight, my body felt tight.

The dark room was filled with the soft hisses of pythons, their eyes also glowed silver to match their master. Their eyes swayed left to right in which I assumed moved in time with their slimy body as it got closer to my feet.

The fear sat on me like a pillow over my mouth and nose. Enough air gets by it, allowing my body to keep functioning, but it's crippling all the same.

"Where the fuck are you!" I screamed as I tried to find my way around the dark room

"Darling, I'm right here" She whispered, my jaw clenched at the sound of her voice

"Where is he!" I yelled

"Who is he?" she whispered, I could tell there was a smirk on her face. She was toying with me.

"Where is Lucifer!" I yelled again, my eyes frantically scanning the entire dark room

I groaned and clenched my fists, taking a swing at anything in front of me. But I failed when I basically punched air.

"Ah right, Lucifer. He's right here, do you wanna see him?" she asked, she sounded so calm, it made me furrow my brows

"What the hell are you up to Medusa" I mumbled

"Nothing, nothing at all" she smirked

"I swear, when I find you I won't hesitate to kill you" I gritted.

"Oh really?" she asked, her caramel skin came into contact with mine

Medusa walked forward, her silver eyes pierced through mine as she stopped in front of my face

She's right in front of me. It's now or never.

The adrenaline coursed through my veins, I allowed myself to feel the energy of my powers run through my body, ready to consume my emotions and numb my pain.

But they failed. My own powers failed me.

"Silly child, you really thought I'd give you back your full powers?" Medusa smirked

Wait. Wait a minute. I've seen this before. Where have I seen this before?

"What the hell is going on?" I hissed

"Come with me child" She ordered and started to walk forward

I don't know what happened, but I wasn't even in control of my own body. The next thing I knew, my feet was taking control and following behind the woman. Everything seemed so blurry, so surreal. Was this real life?

"You sure you want to see your father?" she asked

"I-" before I could even answer, the lights were flickered on and revealed someone in the corner of the room

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