Chapter 96

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Aelia's pov


"Pop the fucking champagne and bring out the caviar because THESE TWO ARE FINALLY GETTING MARRIIIIEEEDDD" Dani screamed as she held the champagne bottle, shaking it aggressively

Ah yes. Last night was a night filled with adrenaline, laughs, romance and alot of tears. Like... Alot

Not only did I have the best prom of my life, partying with the demon. I mean, how many people can say that they had the opportunity to party with a demon?

Not your sleep paralysis demon that shakes their ass in the corner of the room

But actually fucking demons in hell. With Satan for fuck sakes. I didn't know how much better my life could have gotten last night

But then I had the most magical experience with that adorable bunny that was reincarnated into a demon

Her arms around me so tightly and staring into those mint green forest eyes were all I needed in that moment to give me that extra push

I had bought a ring for Luna a while back, but I've never had to perfect opportunity to propose. Things always seemed to get into the way or I'd chicken out on spot because everything was going way too perfect, it's stupid I know but with our history, when things are going way too good then something bad is bound to happen

But last night I finally caught my senses and did what I've always wanted to do. I went up to our room and grabbed that ring, when I came back down I had run into the gays and they immediately suspected something

So I told them I was going to propose, their eyes went wide for an entire minute and their faces fell as if I had shocked them by saying I wanted to propose. I mean, it was bound to happen right?

But they assured me that they were shocked for another reason, they said they had saw Lucifer standing behind me making out with some guard and they quickly shoved me out the door and into the garden where the love of my life sat so peacefully on the swings, feeling the cold breeze pass through her hair as she rolled forward and backwards

I had to take a second to stand there, just taking in the moment forever. I knew she'd say yes but there was always some doubt when it came to decisions like that.

She could easily say no or she wasn't ready which I could understand but our hearts and emotions react differently in moments rather than our brain.

Then I heard soft sobs from her throat, panic had shot through my veins so I ran towards her, only to see a smile on her face but tears down her cheek

She always managed to look so beautiful in what some would consider a messy moment

So when she got down on one knee, I felt my heart explode a thousand times in my chest and the feelings of pounding filled my veins. I was paralyzed seeing her on her knees with a ring, matching the stance I had always imagined

But I wasn't going to let her asking me first ruin the fact that I wanted to give her, her own moment that I was planning myself

A double proposal that neither of us saw coming, it only goes to show that we were perfect for each other

A pop was heard and out sprouted the white foamy liquid of the drink, spilling all over into the air as Dani covered the tip with her mouth

"Damn, you only want the tip?" Luna smirked

Dani gave the girl a playful glare but then slowly started to deepen the length of the bottle as she shoved it down her throat

My eyes went wide when her mouth had reached to half way of the bottle

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