Chapter 27

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Narrator's pov


Her finger brushed against Aelia's who bit her bottom lip nervously debating whether to pull away or intertwine their fingers. 

So guess who did it for her? Luna Ofcourse

Luna intertwined their fingers and brought it to her lips, placing a kiss on the girl's knuckles. Their bodies were so close, Luna's face was an inch away from hers while their bodies almost pressed against each other in the car. A red blush appeared on Aelia's cheek as she stared at their hands. Her eyes then locked with Luna who held a sweet smile

Dang chile, aren't you late for some interview?

"You have no idea how bad I want to kiss you right now" Luna whispered. The air left Aelia's lungs as her cheek burned even more.

There was nothing more attractive about Luna's confidence, she wasn't afraid to say what was on her mind. Atleast she was respective, to a point.

Aelia's cheeks turned beet red, the thought of their soft lips brushing against each other made butterflies swarmed Aelia's stomach.

"Shh" Aelia hushed the girl

"Why should I?" Luna questioned

"You know I can't" Aelia giggled

"You sure about that?" Luna whispered, her hot breath lingered in Aelia's head causing goosebumps to spread across her skin

Then Luna had a tendency of being to most unbearable teaser you could imagine. There was just something about that tempted you to break all rules

"Yep" Aelia smiled, her hand lightly pushed Luna back and the girl gasped

"You refused my kiss? I'm hurt" Luna pouted

"Ugh stop" Aelia giggled

"Whyyyy" Luna pouted

"Because you're cute" Aelia whispered

"It's okay Luna, I'd gladly accept it!" Ryan yelled from the backseat

"You better keep your lips to yourself" Zack glared

"Especially knowing where them lips have been" Leo scrunched his nose up in disgust, earning a laugh from the other two boys

"No one wants to kiss me" Luna pouted

"You're so weird" Aelia laughed

"I do recall, you like me being weird" Luna smirked

This smooth mother fucker-

"I never said that" Aelia chuckled

"Remember that one time we when we went to a party on lakefield street and I actually got drunk for the first time?" Luna laughed

"Yep, you walked into someone's room and started crying" Aelia giggled

"In my defense- yeah I have no idea why I did that" Luna chuckled

"You walked into the parent's room and started looking through their drawers, you were determined on finding a Kama Sutra book in their room because apparently couples their age have weak sperm" Aelia snickered

"Did I find it?" Luna laughed

"No but you did find a two sided straps on-"

"What?!" The gays yelled

"Yep, and the sad part of it... She touched the tip and it was moist..."

"I'm gonna throw upppp" Dani yelled I'm disgust

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