Chapter 46

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Narrator's pov


"Maybe, maybe not" Luna smirked

"You do realize there's cameras in here right?" Maddy asked

"What?" Aelia asked, panic shot through the girl's veins

"Nah I'm just fucking with ya" Maddy chuckled
"But I do want to install them"

"We'll call tech" Luna assured. Her fingers intertwined with Aelia's and the two girls headed out the elevator with Maddy trailing behind them

The elevator opened directly into Luna's private office, a huge room occupying the corner of the building with floor-to-ceiling windows giving views in two directions of the busy California street below them. The rain continued to drop down onto the city, clouding the glass window with its random trail of raindrops.

"So, tell me more about the woman we're interviewing today?" Luna asked

"Well, her name is Amy and she's 36, she's worked with Linkin Park, Sam Smith, Miley Cyrus and Ariana Grande. She doesn't have any children because she believes they're a spawn of the devil-"

"I like her already" Luna chuckled

The two girls pushed open the wooden door of the main office, Luna's eyes immediately landed on the large, oval shaped desk that was in the center of the room

"Nope. Has to go. Just has to" Luna snickered

The office was painted grey, giving the room a more soft feel. On the brown desk sat a desktop computer, a notebook lying open, and a stack of papers sitting under a turtle-shaped paperweight. In a corner, the air conditioner was blasting at medium, and there was a swivel chair in the middle of the office.

A bookshelf, bursting with books was in a corner, with yet another stack of papers under a paperweight that was shaped to look like a tuft of grass. A few pens were lying on the papers, but some had fallen onto the top of the bookshelf.

"I guess Lucifer hasn't been here in a really long time" Luna chuckled, her hands slipped into the pocket of her trousers and she walked over to the glass window

Her eyes looked out onto the streets below, covered in rain that splashed onto different ends of the road when hornking cars sped through it.

Aelia's arms hooked around Luna's waist from behind and she rested her chin on top of the girl's shoulder. Luna chuckled softly and continued to look out below.

The shadows of the raindrop trails reflected onto her face, a smile stretched across Luna's lips as she took a deep breath in

"Who would have thought we would have ended up here?" Luna asked

"What do you mean?" Aelia questioned

"You're following your dreams and being the most successful woman out there, then there's me who's about to take over this firm. Life's going pretty great" Luna said

"It's kinda weird now that you think of it" Aelia chuckled

"How so?"

"I don't know.... We just never expected ourselves to be here. I always thought I'd be studying business until I'm 30 years old and you... Well... You didn't know what you wanted to do on earth besides have fun" She said

"That's true" Luna mumbled, Aelia furrowed her brows

"You can still have fun. Anything you want to do, we'll go do it. Just name it" Aelia smiled

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